Sydenham Campus Principal Message

Sydenham Campus- Principal’s Report
Welcome back to our students, families and staff to a very busy Term 2. We find ourselves already at Week 5 and lots has already happened on our campus.
Student voice is a very strong part of our College focus and this term students have been involved in completing a number of surveys. All students were given the opportunity to complete the Resilient Youth Survey. The Survey was run in association with the Brimbank Council and measures nine domains known to be associated with positive life outcomes; Positive Relationships, Social Skills, Understanding Self, Safety, Healthy Mind and Body, Learning Engagement, Positive Attitude, Positive Values, and Positive Contribution. We will be reviewing the results next month.
Secondly, students were also asked to complete the annual Attitudes to School Survey (ATOSS). This survey is developed by DET and has questions related to student connectedness, safety at school and teaching and learning.
Over the last week and continuing into this week, our Year 7 and 9 students are also completing the NAPLAN tests. Again, these are annual summative tasks in Literacy and Numeracy.
Well being
We continue to respond to student needs regarding mental health and well being. Year 9 students participated in a presentation from BATYR; a preventative mental health program, created by young people that is also delivered by young people. It encourages young people to have positive conversations about mental health in order to empower them to reach out for support when needed. Our Year 10 students will be involved in a Well Being Day Friday 21 May.
All students also had the opportunity to participate in IDAHOBIT Day. We thank Ms Dubois and Mr Duhig Jones for their support and assistance in organising the day with students.
Year 9 and 10 students will soon be finalising preparations for their end of semester exams. Part of this preparation has been supported by Elevate Education sessions on note taking, revision and exam techniques. Thanks to Ms Karen Martin, 9/10 Campus Leader for her leadership of the Team Leaders and K and B Team staff.
Year 7 and 8 students will be on Camp over the next two weeks and the students who have elected to attend are very much looking forward to the three days at Campaspe Downs. Thanks to Mr Andrew Atherton for his organisation and leadership of the Team Leaders and E and H Team staff.
Team Captains and Campus Captains.
Mr Atherton and Ms Martin have also been busy shortlisting and interviewing the students who are keen on developing their leadership skills. Students from Years 7 to 10 had the opportunity to nominate for Team Captains and Campus Captains. We are pleased to announce and congratulate the following students;
Campus Captains;
Maddison XB4 and Makayla XK5
Year 10 K team leader- Chantelle XK3
Year 9 K team leader – Jazmin 9 K2
Year 10 B team leader – Ben XB3
Year 9 B team leader – Suela 9B5
Year 7 E team Leader – Elizabeth 7E4
Year 8 E team Leader – Nathan 8E5
Year 7 H team Leader – Angus 7H3
Year 8 H team Leader – Bavn 8H5
Athletic Carnival
Students and staff had a wonderful day at the Athletic Carnival held on April 30th. We shared in lovely autumn weather and some friendly campus rivalry. Congratulations to Mr James Riccobene, Sydenham Campus Sport Leader, for his organisation and support of the College Sport program. Congratulations to L and C Teams from Kings Park for taking out the 2021 trophy.
College Programs
We are very fortunate to be able to offer a wide range of curricular and extra curricular programs to students on Sydenham campus and across the College. Currently, performing arts students are preparing for the College Music Concert June 3rd and the College GALA production performances in Term 3. We encourage families to participate in these events as details become available. Thanks to Ms Marlee Conlan and her Team for all of the hours of rehearsals already completed and wish the students and staff well as their continue their preparations.
Finally, some reminders; thank you to students and families for organising winter uniform items. As the weather gets colder, students will need to make sure they have their Copperfield College branded jackets and scarves to keep them warm. Families are encouraged to contact the Sydenham campus general office for any assistance.
We are very pleased to report that the great vibe with which we commenced the year is continuing and all on campus are working towards our campus priorities;
Student attendance at 90%
Positive interactions between the students and with staff.
Increased participation in Student Led Presentations (SLPs)
Adherence to processes and policies.
We look forward to keeping up the great work on the Sydenham campus and having more of our Champion year.
Ms Mary Chiodo and Mr Michael Gruis
Campus Principals.
Ms Mary Chiodo and Mr Michael Gruis
Campus Principals