Delahey Campus Principal Message

Delahey Principal's Report
Hello again to all members of the Delahey Community. as I write this report, I ponder on the fact that we are approaching the half-way mark of the term already! Of course, both Dan Sullivan and I hope that you are as happy and as healthy as you can be. If last year taught us anything, it was that things we just took for granted prior to the pandemic are things that we so much treasure now.
Life at Delahey campus has been hectic with Term 2 routines and events converging toward a crescendo at the end of the semester with VCE/VCAL/VET end of unit completions, assessments and report.
But... let's start at the beginning of the term.
Opening of Buildings
We started the term with a celebratory theme on Friday 23 when we welcomed The Hon. Natalie Hutchins, Member for Sydenham to officially open Stage 1 of our Capital Works program here at Delahey. Copperfield College Council members and Mr Anthony Sokol (our proceeding college principal) were also invited to take an escorted tour of both the Arts and Administration Block with Ms Hutchins. A morning tea followed where Ms Hutchins reiterated the rationale behind her commitment to support Copperfield College in improving its infrastructure. The college is incredibly grateful for her advocacy and financial investment. As an aside, I want to thank our school captains, Arieta and Jessie for the way in which the engaged with Ms Hutchins and represented the college with such distinction.
Under Construction
While I'm on the topic of Capital Works program, I'll provide an update. The eastern end of M Block (Study Centre, canteen etc) is still under construction. the schedule has been delayed somewhat because of supply issues with steel beams for the new waterproof roof but I have been given surety that the overall project is still on target to be completed in October. The canteen and student toilet upgrades are due for completion in the next fortnight. We are using part of the Study Centre as a make-shift canteen for the moment without skipping a beat as far as providing services. We also have temporary toilets for student use. To finish off my Capital Works Update, the staffroom kitchen area has received a major upgrade, receiving a resounding tick of approval by all staff.
The Delahey campus (as has the college) have conducted two major surveys with students this term; the Resilient Youth survey and the Attitudes to School survey. Both surveys are a necessary impost on the time as they provide us with student perspectives on their life here at school, not just from a teaching and learning point of view but from a social/emotional and wellbeing angle. the college take the analysis of this data very seriously and it informs not just annual programs etc but out strategic direction.
College Dux 2018
We are happy to inform you that our 2018 College Dux Joseph Alkarra is volunteering in in a tutor capacity at the Sydenham Campus on every Wednesday this semester. While he has asked to work here to support one of his university subjects, he has also asked if it were possible to do some tutoring here at the Delahey campus because he wants to give back to the school that provided his springboard into hopefully a successful career in the world of Science and Engineering.
Term 2 Events
As I said at the beginning, Term 2 is an incredibly busy time here at the Delahey campus. A selection of events that add to that 'busy-ness' include:
- Preparing our students for the the General Achievement Test (GAT on June 9)
- The Brimbank VCAL expo on May 13, an event which exposes our Year 12 VCAL students to opportunities beyond school.
- Year 11 and 12 exams starting May 31
- Completing VCE and VCAL units and outcomes
- Year 11 Course Re-counselling day June 8
- Commencing semester 2 for both year 11s and 12s on June 15
- Completing reports by June 21
It's not not hard to realise just how much effort goes into planning and successful realisation of such events, regardless of the fact that many of them are annually run. We out never take for granted the team of teachers and educational sipport staff who ensure our senior students are provided with a high quality product that goes beyond classroom instruction. Well Done to the team here at Copperfield!
That's it from me now
Take care and as always, stay safe happy and healthy.
Mr Renato Carinci and Mr Dan Sullivan
Campus Principals