Sydenham News 

Year 7 Iron Form Day 

As a student of 7H3 Iron form day was a great experience. We participated in lots of team activities to help build our bond and get to know our classmates. We did a quiz with a range of different questions, hosted by Quiz Master White. We also participated in many different relays such as egg and spoon, over under, over under etc. We began to work on our class mascot and logo a few weeks before the day and it turned out to look fantastic. Our whole class were very proud of all our hard work and effort. We presented our mascot, logo and rap to all the year 7’s and were relieved we had done it. At the end of the day we were all in the gym waiting to hear the final results. Classes got 7th to 4th and the 3 remaining stood. One class was given 3rd and it was 3 points between our class and the other class left standing. We looked at each other in disappointment as we all thought we had lost by 3 points. We stood anxiously waiting and then the class was called… 7H3!!! Our class roared in excitement as all our hard work and preparation had paid off. We got the golden iron and took a class photo. Iron form day was great, I went home that night to tell my family the great news.




Ms Dannielle Jones

7H3 Home Group Teacher




Celebrating 100% attendance for Term 1

The following students are congratulated for their achievement of 100% attendance 

Term 1:

Year 9s:

Vy                              Alana                   

Christo                    Miles 

Alannah                  Amirah

Jhonatan                 Justin 

Saf                            Emma 

Kit                           Talia 

Alex                         Patrick 

Caleb                      Aadi 



Year 10s: 

Abin                        Jeyda      

Carla                       Ivana 

Banin                      Lauren 

Joyce                       Jazmin 

Myah                      Shanee 

Elvina                     Ravneet 

Lachlan                 Audrey        

Riley                       Zaid 

Kim                        Aailiyah 

Selina                    Gisele  

Indianna               Luke 

Chloe                     Iqbal 

Kent                        Rafeal 




Mrs Karen Martin

Year 9 / 10 Campus Leader




Year 10 Science

Year 10 Studying the Laws of Motion.




Mrs Karen Martin

Year 10 Science Teacher