Art News

Perhaps you noticed some very colourful and enthusiastic caterpillars and butterflies emerging from school this week? We watched with pride as our very clever Prep students finished creating their, “Caterpillar Caps”, which saw them use their developing cutting, colouring and glueing skills. As the Preps made their way back to their classrooms, they received praise and recognition of their hard work!


Our Grade 1’s and 2’s students have started working on their portfolio tasks, which see them using a range of art resources including paint, oil pastels and scissors…watch this space to see their incredible completed artworks.


The students in Grades 3 to  6 have been busy looking ahead to their futures and working how to convey their future dreams in the form of a symbolic drawing. This learning task also saw students celebrate their sketching skills, as they drew themselves from the shoulders up. The finished pieces are absolutely incredible and certainly capture the attention of those walking through the corridors of our wonderful school!