In Praise of...

'Always recognising and affirming kindness, growth and great achievements.'

In Praise of...

All the super Fatima Kids, each and everyone of them for their outstanding commitment to their learning and connecting with school over the last 2 weeks. We are SO PROUD. We have loved seeing their skills and adaptability, resilience and capability throughout this whole two week period. They knew what to do, they were ready and they communicated their needs. What an enormous skillset they developed in 2020 that has enabled them to flourish this time around in 2021. We commend them. It was a short time but it was a purposeful time of learning and growth.



“We the super Fatima Kids would like to say thank you to the Boon Wurrung and Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation for letting us share your land. We promise to look after it, the animals and people too. Hello land... (kids rub the land) Hello sky.. where bunjil fly's (kids arms in the air swaying side to side) Hello me....(kids hug themselves) My friends and I (kids reach out to the side to hold hands of the person next to them)”