What's Happening in the AG Faculty

KHS AG Team at the Sydney Royal 2021


Students Shi-Ann Dornan, Freya Weismantel, Ellie Prior and Phoebe Southwell from the KHASA Program attended the Sydney Royal Easter show and achieved some excellent results. 


Trade Steer, Teddy, came away with Reserve Champion Trade Steer.


Freya, Ellie and Phoebe competed in a very tough Parader's competition, although not coming away with a place all girls represented their school and Ag program to a high standard. 


Freya and Ellie also competed in the Junior Judging Competition coming away with amazing results in Reserve Champion Junior Judge and Third place Junior Judge respectively. The girls competed against competitors aged from 15-25 so being the younger age group this is an amazing achievement.


Well done to all the girls and Mr Saul on such great results 



Bellingen Show

A team of 19 Students from Years 8-12 attended the Bellingen Show.  The team took up 9 Steers and 1 Heifer to be judged and used by the students for Paraders. 


The students were successful in the ring, with Imogen Dries going through to the Champion round although missing out on Champion Parader should be very proud of her ring craft. Young Riley Mitchell was very cool and calm and achieved himself a third place. Madison Hawes also achieving a third place ribbon. 


The steer competition was very successful with many of the steers and heifer receiving ribbons in their classes. "Meatball" and "Bluff" took out first, with "Bluff" going on to receive Reserve Champion Steer, "Bro" a second and "Pumba" a third. The heifer took out first and then was crowned the Champion Trade heifer. 


On to the Junior Judging and again a very successful day in the ring with 5 students Hayden Carter, Oni Crowley, Phoebe Southwell, Ella Saul and Riley Mitchell gaining an oral. The students pushed aside their nerves and spoke well to convince the over Judge and audience as to why they placed the animals in the orders they did. 


Ella Saul receiving first place in the 11-14 years category and Phoebe Southwell first place in the 14-18 years category.


Phoebe Southwell came away with the well deserved title of Champion Junior Judge after putting in a great focus and effort into that area. 



Junior Education Day - Singleton


The Junior KHASA Team of mostly Year 7 and 8 students braved an early morning to travel to Singleton to attend an Agriculture Education Day organised by Greg and Leonie Ball who are well known in the beef industry and are very passionate about educating youth. 


The students attended sessions throughout the day on Live animal assessment, Pasture and seed identification, Meat Judging to name a few. All students thoroughly enjoyed the day and were a great representation of Kempsey High School.