NAIDOC Assembly

KHS Celebrates NAIDOC Week

What a wonderful way to celebrate NAIDOC week with an outstanding KHS assembly. KHS representatives Njaree Quinlan and Yaaron Ward opened the assembly with a warm welcome to our special guests, parents/carers, community members, students and staff. Njaree is a member of the KHS NASCA Academy and President of the Junior AECG and Yaaron is a member of the KHS Clontarf Academy and Secretary of the Junior AECG. Both students presented exceptionally well and showed great leadership and maturity on stage. Well done to you both.


Aunty Helen Archibald, Ruby Hoskins Gould and Raymond Cooper came to the stage and did a brilliant Welcome to Country. Thank you to Aunty Helen and well done to Ruby and Raymond for their flawless and moving Welcome to Country.


A highlight of the assembly was the cultural dance performed by members of the Clontarf Academy and Fig Tree Mob, which was a sight not seen at KHS for a number of years and one that captivated the audience. An amazing display of culture and pride. A special thank you is extended to Lionel Blair, who sang and played the clap sticks and Bennelong, with the amazing didgeridoo playing.


Other highlights included a short film titled 'Our Country',  filmed and produced by Fig Tree Mob and Desert Pea Media, which highlighted the importance of healing Country and its significance to our First Nations Peoples. What amazing images were captured of our beautiful Macleay Valley.


A panel of special guests included Les Lockwood, Aunty Ruth Dunn and Nancy Patterson, who took to the stage and answered some very poignant and current questions around Country and how we continue to build our understanding of it and protect it. The questions were asked by Kirri-Lee Cutmore and Casey Russell, both members of KHS NASCA Academy and KHS Clontarf Academy respectively. Both students conducted themselves in a very respectful and professional manner and should be very proud of their efforts.


The 2021 NAIDOC medal winners and encouragement awards were presented by Mrs Georgie Murphy (AEO), Ms Love (Yr 7 Year Advisor) and Mr Peisley (Deputy Principal, Yrs 8, 10 & 12 (rel.). The recipients were as follows:



Jayden Kennedy (Boys)

Njaree Quinlan (Girls) 

Academic Excellence

- Natoya Quinlan (Senior) 

- Phoebe Southwell (Junior) 


Creative & Performing Arts

- Dakota Collins 


Citizenship & Community Service

- Casey Russell (Senior) 

- Jer-Kyal Greenup-Smith (Junior) 


Sporting Excellence

- Kirri-Lee Cumore (Senior)

- Breanna Horne (Junior)


Encouragement Awards

- Tessarna Cora

- Shakaya Duncan

- Kieara Floyd

- James Fernando

- Tanayah Vale

- Preston Kelly

- Raymond Cooper



To wrap up the NAIDOC assembly we were privileged to be shown a short film titled 'Barrunba' which means Dreaming in Dunghutti. The film is produced by Fig Tree Mob and Desert Pea Media and was a wonderful display of culture and environment. KHS relieving Principal, Mrs Victoria Staunton then took to the stage to give her address, followed by a delicious morning tea at the Red Onion Café. Finally to round out the day all students were invited to enjoy a BBQ lunch and dancing outside the Aboriginal Resource Centre.


Truly an amazing day and one that everyone should feel proud of and one that everyone learns from. Thank you to everyone who was involved, you all did a wonderful job.