Belle et Sébastien

Bonjour tout le monde!


All students have had an excellent Semester in French and I'm really proud of their achievement. 

  • While the Preps were introduced to several topics (colours, numbers and face parts), Year 1 & 2 students learnt several common greeting expressions. They revised colours and numbers, studied body parts and are just starting a new topic, 'les vêtements', clothes.
  • In Years 3 and 3/4, after finding out lots of interesting facts about the Eiffel Tower, the students learnt to ask questions such as 'C'est où?' (Where is it?) and 'Où habites-tu?' (Where do you live?), and expressions such as 'il y a' (there is) and 'il n'y a pas' (there isn't).  This Semester's main topic was 'In town'.  They also found out who famous Frenchman Jacques Cousteau was and they are just starting to count to 100. This week, to reward them with their excellent work, we watched the movie 'Heidi' in French with subtitles. The French song of the week is actually the theme song by Barbara Pravi: 'On m'appelle Heidi' (People call me Heidi):
  • In Years 4/5 and 5/6, the main focus of this Semester was to understand the concept of conjugating verbs and learning how to conjugate some common ones, so that the students could start writing their own sentences independently.  As a reward, they watched the famous French movie 'Belle et Sébastien'. 
    Here is the trailer:

I wish you all a nice and safe holiday. 

Bonnes vacances! Have a great holiday!


A bientôt!
