The Wellbeing Hub   







Sarah Lehman | Director of College Wellbeing

Head of House News – Willsher and Fox


Willsher House

It has been a very busy start to Term 2 for students in Willsher House. Our students in Years 7-11 have been working with their Mentors each week to implement their new digital planner. Term 2 is traditionally very busy for both academic tasks and co-curricular activities and I hope that this tool has encouraged our Willsher students to reflect on their planning and organisational skills. If you believe that your child requires additional support with their planning and organisation, you can contact their Mentor via email or our Guidance Counsellor, Mr Luke Richardson


It is exciting to note that our Year 9 students will be heading to their Wellbeing Camp in Week 6. I look forward to sharing this experience with them. The focus of our Year 9 Camp is social and emotional learning. Students will participate in a variety of activities designed to develop their self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, self-awareness and responsible decision making. 


Browning and Blackwell Houses have their House Days coming up in Week 5 and 7 respectively. I encourage all Willsher students to support the days by wearing mufti, participating in the fun activities at lunchtime, and donating to the charities. Students can find more information about these days on our Willsher Google Classroom. 








Alice Mattingly | Head of House - Willsher


Fox House

Welcome to Term 2. We can’t help but comment on how successful Term 1 and early Term 2 have been for Fox students. From Jocelyn Corbett’s participation in the Aerobic squad to Best Inyang, Anneliese Klimpsch, Vinudi Rathnayaka and Brooke Graham’s involvement in the Debating team. We couldn't let the Athletics Carnival comments slip just because it was so long ago. Charlie Harper, was a positive supporter and a team player, as generous as they come, Charlie backed up the relay for both year groups. Seisha Passlow was another student who had her arm seriously twisted to get on board. This allowed Fox to participate in all year's relays. Getting involved, having a go and supporting the team is what Fox prides themselves on. There has been 169 representative sport entries for students who are actively engaged in co-curricular sport and they should be recognised for their ability to be organised, flexible and show other students what it is to live a well-balanced lifestyle. We would also like to congratulate Patrick Spain, Sahaj Deep Singh, Wil Howard, Harry Glanvill, Tom Wilson, Jack Rudd, Hamish Graham, Ines Treharne, Jack Glanvill, Harry Isaac, Luke Barnhill, Clayton Gunning, Casey Smith and Tahlia White for their participation at the BISSA Cross Country. Without the teamwork and participation from all Fox students, we would not have been able to take out the Cross Country Cup for 2021.


To continue with such a positive Term 2, it is now time to encourage students to be actively engaged in their studies and more importantly the organisation of their studies. With the majority of assessment tasks being handed out and teachers preparing for writing reports, it is important students are actively using their scheduling document created during House Mentor times. Wednesday Homework help is still running and we now have Senior Academic Support provided by Mr Richardson on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Reach out to your teachers, House Mentors and Heads of House if you have any concerns or require any further support at such a busy time of the year.

This term we would like to recognise our Fox MVP. Showing positivity, determination and support for the younger students. We would like to congratulate Charlotte Dendy of Year 10 for demonstrating leadership in the Agriculture Show team. 








Elizabeth Passlow | Head of House - Fox