Community News

Community News
Young Endeavour Youth Scheme
Dear Education Partner,
Applications are now open for 2021 youth development voyages in STS Young Endeavour, Australia’s National Sail Training Ship. Youth aged 16-23 are invited to apply for the new 2021 voyage dates, sailing from May – December in New South Wales, Queensland and Victorian waters.
Since 1988 over 14,000 young Australians from across Australia have sailed in Young Endeavour, taking part in the inspiring youth development experience that helps participants develop self-awareness and confidence, and gives them an opportunity to grow their teamwork and leadership skills through sail training and self-development activities.
During each voyage the ship embarks a crew of young Australians who will learn the skills to sail a square-rigged tall ship, including how to navigate, keep watch, cook in the gallery, set and furl sails, climb the 30 metre mast, and take the helm. They will live ‘between decks’ with fellow youth crew from across Australia, and will be encouraged to pursue personal and team goals and challenges.
View the voyage dates.
Read about the COVID-19 safe voyaging measures that have been developed to ensure youth crew safety.
Applications are now open at Financial assistance is available to eligible candidates.
We would appreciate your assistance including this information on your website, newsletter or social media, or otherwise distributing amongst your staff, students and networks.
Thank you for your support of the Young Endeavour Program.
T 1800 020 444
Roving Refills
Second Monday of the month (commencing 12 July) from 10 am – 12 pm at Rosanna Fire Station Community House, 232 Lower Plenty Rd, Rosanna.
Roving Refill range includes laundry powder, multi-purpose cleaner, dishwashing liquid, hand wash and more - everything you need to keep your homes squeaky clean. BYO containers, you can fill up into anything you like! Any container is fine, but ones that has not had bleach or strong chemicals inside are best, to avoid cross-contamination.
The objective of Roving Refills is to change the way we access and consume products that are unnecessarily packaged, usually in plastic containers. By adding to the growing BYO container movement, Roving Refill hope to reduce waste created by single-use bottles/containers and to conserve the natural resources used to make them. Biodegradable/greywater safe, palm oil free and vegan, sensitive skin range/fragrance free, locally made and sourced produced.
Cash and card available. For further information and price list please visit
Marie Attlee
Marketing and Promotions Officer
Ph: 9458 1935
Rosanna Fire Station Community House
232 Lower Plenty Rd. Rosanna 3084
Healthy Schools Banyule Newsletter