Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

This week the educators planned activities all about the senses.


Kinetic sand is particularly beneficial in supporting physical development such as fine motor skills. Social and emotional development can be supported by engaging with the kinetic sand as children may find it calming and relaxing. Kinetic sand provides a range of sensory experiences for children which also requires little energy. The children experimented making shapes and enjoyed watching them melt away.


They also experimented and relaxed with paint and stamps, Listening to audio tapes, colouring in which all help with mental relaxation and has a calming effect on them.










Student Free Day

We are open on the Student Free Day (Tuesday 15th June) from 7am to 6pm. Bookings through the Xplor App


Resume Before and After School Care

Before and After School Care will resume on Wednesday, please book through the app for casual bookings.  For Permanent booking email Rob at


Welcome back everyone!