Other College News

Chess News


Our College Chess Team played ASC on Wednesday 2 June and went down 3-1.

With the loss of John Harris due to illness, I want to pay special tribute to Joe Schmude who not only stepped into the vacant Board Two position, he was the only player to win. Well done Joe!

It has been a great experience for the players and the future looks rosey.

I really want to thank all the players who were involved in this year's competition. We used 8 players across the three rounds and they all displayed great sportsmanship, beautiful manners, respect and maturity. 

The players who competed were Bradley Lidgard, Angus Scrivener, Harrison Ross, Joe Schmude, John Harris, Archie Howarth and Paige Latham. Thank you!

It has been a wonderful experience to be involved with such an amazing bunch of young people.

Year 5 STEP Day 

We were fortunate to have Year 5 students from our feeder schools come to the College last Wednesday for their STEP Day. (Stage 3 Enrichment Program). Although it was a cold day, they all kept warm indoors with a wide range of activities.