Pastoral Academic Care


Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) Focus 



Wellbeing Element: MEANING AND PURPOSE

Character Strength: HUMILITY

Parent Wellbeing: Reflect on: 

Reliability – can people depend on you? 

Openness – can people expect you to deliver both good and bad news?

Competence – can people depend on what you produce?

Compassion – do people feel you treat them with consideration and respect?


We live in great country, which has evolved from the input of many rich cultures. Each has brought its own special mix of traditions, rituals, foods, clothing, languages and many other valuable perspectives. Open-mindedness to accept difference as part of life, is a strength which requires courage to use properly.


Community wellbeing and social connectedness relies very much on seeking first to understand different cultures before passing judgement. Students build these understanding through listening, observing and asking questions to learn more. We can learn a lot by watching preschool children from many cultures playing together at day care and at kindergartens. They accept, play with and learn from each other as equals; no judgements being made.


In Australia there are about 90 different cultures and in New Zealand about 75. Both of our nations are in a constant state of cultural change and accepting difference and diversity will see both countries continue to prosper. The essential element for personal growth is for students to look at different cultures through the lenses of their top strengths. This will enable them to look for what is good and right about what they see and experience. Doing this will see their wellbeing thrive and flourish.


“Understanding advances by steps, not by leaps.” Lord Macaulay.

Year 7

Congratulations on a great term Year 7. Can you believe we are halfway through the year already? 


I have been impressed by the mature way that year 7 have jumped into preparations for our student-led conferencing next term. Students are able to critically reflect on their learning and identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. This is such a valuable skill for our students to have and will set them up for achieving their learning goals. 



Gallery: Year 7 commendation recipients. 


We appreciate your support to remind your child to wear the correct uniform each day and to remember to wear their blazer to and from school. 


At the conclusion of a semester of our literacy block program, we have seen some tremendous growth in student writing. Students are engaging in the program and enjoying writing - some students have even begging for more time to write!

Photo: Students participating in the literacy block this term.


Next term we welcome back Ms Kruezen. Many thanks for your support.



Katie Biddle

Acting Yr 7 PAC Leader 

Year 8

As another huge term draws to a close we can look back at an action-packed term, filled with Arts, Sport and lots of learning.  Year 8 students have represented the school in cross country, music, drama, debating and football. Congratulations to everyone on all of these achievements and for ensuring O’Connor is well represented across the region. I’m also pleased to say students are still being rewarded with lots of commendations and everyone receiving these should be very proud!

Photo: Year 8 presentation of commendation certificates. 


During PAC classes Year 8 are still working hard to prepare for the Student-led Conferences coming up at the start of term 3. From physical education to visual arts students are reflecting on their learning and trying to understand what makes some subjects more successful than others and how they can transfer skills across all areas of school life.


Finally a huge thank you to the Year 8 PAC team. We couldn't do it without your hard work every morning to support the students' wellbeing and learning. 


Have a happy and safe holiday! 



Lloyd Honnery.


Year 9

Another exciting, busy, fun-filled term draws to a close; a term where learning has been the focus and faith remains the foundation. I am personally proud of the achievements of almost all of the students in Year 9. Their reports are in the process of being posted and the new format highlights key areas in which their learning can be moved forward. Student-led conferencing will take place in Week 2 of next Term and bookings for this can be made online shortly. I look forward to seeing you as we all engage in this new initiative.


Our PAC focus this week is “Accepting and Learning from others”. The aim of the focus is to add to our individual Meaning and Purpose by learning about and accepting different cultures. Communities thrive and flourish when they accept and respect individual and group differences, such as, a variety of cultures, disabilities, skills, shapes, sizes and abilities. 


Another record number of Commendation Certificates were awarded during our briefing on Monday morning and those present appear in the larger group below. I always encourage the students to be proud of their achievements and to ensure their awards take pride of place on the fridge door at home. Please make a fuss of your child. These awards are not given away lightly. There was also a number of Year Leader Awards distributed. Congratulations to Sam, Randy, Kaitlyn, Lauren, Jenna, Maggie, Tommy, Fletcher, and Ethan, who all received awards and Oluoma who received her second award for the year.


Photos: Student awards - Year 9

Finally, I wish to thank my PAC team of Amanda, Bryan, Kath, Lauren, Florence, Sarah, Frank, Jenny, Andrew and Matt, who make my job that much easier with their professionalism and support.  


Enjoy your break. Drive carefully and stay warm.



Peter McLeish

Year 9 PAC Leader

(on behalf of the Year 9 Pastoral Academic Care team)

Year 10

It’s been another busy term and semester for Year 10. Students have just returned to school after a week's Work Experience and I hope that all students who undertook this week of work, found it rewarding and potentially helpful to what future work looks like for them.


It is also a time for students to reflect on their learning and work habits. Their reports will indicate how they have gone and how they can improve in semester two. I would like to extend to all of Year 10 and their families, a happy and safe school holidays and to have some much needed time to recharge for another busy time here at school next term.



Mark Fulloon

Year 10 PAC  Leader

Year 11

Year 11 can be very proud of their achievements and efforts this term. It has been a big one. Students are becoming more aware of the need for planning their time and work, in order to get assessments completed without too much stress. In regards to study and revision tips, time management strategies and the like, we will be having some workshops in Term 3 during PAC time based on these ideas.


Photo: Year 11 student awards

Students received awards at our Year assembly this week, to acknowledge all of their hard work in their studies. A big thank you to all of the students who continue to try their best in all areas, and work hard to move their learning.

A group of students have been busy designing the senior jersey, and the voting has commenced  to decide on the final style. I want to thank everyone for their efforts and the manner in which they have undertaken this task. 

Many students are heading to Work Placement over the next few weeks. This is a great opportunity and experience for them. 

Visitors from St Ursula’s College in Kingsgrove arrived on Thursday, 4th, ready for the Founder’s Day celebrations on Friday. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the families of Charlotte Johnstone, Ellen Hawthorne, Abbey Thomas, Isabella Kennedy and Lara Walters for opening up their homes and providing hospitality to these guests from Sydney. 

Organisation for the Senior Retreat is now underway. This will take place in Term 4, Week 9. The response to the survey was overwhelmingly positive. I look forward to assisting in the preparation for this.

I wish everyone a safe, happy and restful holiday. 



Vicki Channon

Year 11 PAC Leader

Year 12

As Term 2 draws to a close I find myself reflecting that it has been a particularly busy time at school for our Yr 12 Students. The term has included many extra-curricular activities, as well as a number of large assessment task. The good news is that most students have completed all of their assessment tasks other than Trial Examinations. While this relieves some of the pressure around assessments, preparations for examinations should be well underway. The upcoming holidays are a fantastic opportunity to complete a substantial amount of revision. I really encourage students to maintain their focus and work ethic as we approach Trial and HSC examinations.


During the holidays a number of Yr 12 Teachers will be running tutorials in their subject areas to consolidate student learning. This is an invaluable opportunity for students to work on areas of the syllabus that they may not fully understand or feel are a bit of a weakness. All students are strongly encouraged to attend and participate.Thank you very much to the teachers who are kindly giving up their time to provide these opportunities


I would like to finish by congratulating all Yr 12 students on an excellent term of learning. I have been very pleased with the commitment and effort students have demonstrated towards their learning. Students are also  commended for their contributions to building a positive O’Connor School Community. Their involvement across the term in extra-curricular events has been outstanding. As the mid year holidays approach I want to wish students a restful and relaxing break. Please take some time to enjoy a break from your studies, by enjoying time with friends and family and keep safe.




James Russell

Year 12 PAC