Leader of Pedogogy

LOP Message

Student Voice Part II: Student-Led Conferencing


The last week of school in Term 2 is always a week to look forward to. The holidays are rapidly approaching, we celebrate our Founder’s Day with an awesome display of students' cultural talents and we conclude the term with a profound demonstration of community in whole-school ‘capture the flag’. This year though,  is filled with just a little more anticipation. When we return in Term 3, a new journey for our learning community begins - our first ever Student-Led Conferencing for Stage 4 to 5.  


Student-led, parent-teacher conferences encourage students to be proactive in their learning experiences. It is their voice that leads discussions around where they are at in their learning, their progress, their social and academic challenges and successes and how to improve. Together with the parents and teachers, they identify their goals for the next learning period and strategise as to how best they can reach these goals. This kind of open dialogue can be only positive, as it is the student who leads. It’s not possible to ‘give’ this kind of ownership and self-determination...the students need to develop the skills that enhance ownership and self-determination. As O’Connor is a learning community founded on faith and focused on learning, working collaboratively to enhance the learning for all, our students are developing the skills to be empowered people, ready to make a difference in our world.


I wrote about student voice in an earlier Newsletter, emphasising that voice isn’t about choice, it’s about authentic engagement and inclusivity. It is about showing our vulnerabilities, to reflect on our challenges and successes, together. Because, quite simply, in doing this, we open ourselves up to feedback and as a result, we are open to growth...LEARNING GROWTH!


If we want meaningful and lasting improvement in the academic performance of our students, then we need to involve them directly in the learning process, including the assessment of their learning acquisition. But teachers and students cannot do this alone, we need you. Parents and caregivers are integral to the success of our students. All the preparation our students and Pastoral and Academic Care teachers have put into these conferences, to identify individual student’s learning challenges and successes over the past semester has been with purpose. This process is meaningful, it is authentic and it is inclusive. Only it is more so with you. 


If you have a child in Stage 5, the student-led conferences will be held in Week 2 and will lead into our Year 11 Subject Choices Fair on Monday 5th August.


If you have a child in Stage 4, the student-led conferences will be during Week 3.


Please make the time to join with your child’s Pastoral and Academic Care teacher/s, and participate in the conference experience, which will be led by your child, in order to gain new insights into your child’s learning journey.


Eli Simpson

Leader of Pedagogy