Congratulations to our  students Jackson Hicks, Matthew Kapp and Jacob Bald.



Jackson Hicks Year 8 - 1st Ranelagh Scout Troop, has earned the Australian Scout Medallion.

To attain the top award in each of the  five Sections in scouting reflects initiative in tackling this challenge, sustained effort over many months and years, plus self-discipline, teamwork and leadership. 

Only a small percentage reach this level.  These are the top achievers among Scouting's 47 million members globally.


Matthew  has just competed in  the Victoria Men's Artistic Gymnastics Championships at MSAC for Level 8 Open, achieving gold for overall team, silver for high bar, bronze for rings, 4th parallel bars, 5th for floor and 6th all around.   Matthew has now been selected for the Victoria State team that will complete at the National Gymnastics Championships at the Hisense Arena in May.   



Jacob Bald has his sights on being a professional baseballer and is well on track to living up to his dream.

During the Summer break, Jacob represented Victoria in a Sydney competition. His team played very well and secured second position. Jacob was a stand-out player during the tournament, resulting in him being selected to represent Australia and to compete in New Zealand. Instead of catching the plane back home from Sydney, Jacob flew straight to New Zealand to compete in the 2018 Oceania Qualifiers. He played against New Zealand, Fiji and New Caledonia. Australia demonstrated their skill and experience by winning every game. This outstanding effort now allows Jacob and his team to play in South America this coming August against the best teams in the world,including the USA and Japan.

In August, Jacob will fly to Los Angeles, then on to Atlanta.  During this time he will fulfill one of his most important goals by training with the Atlanta Braves baseball team. After this incredible experience Jacob will fly to Panama and play a 10-day world cup competition, then return home.

We wish Jacob all the best with his baseball endeavors this year and will be cheering him on from afar. We all admire his persistence, positive attitude and talent.

Ms Holderness