What's happening this term
From the Principal
In the velvet darkness
of the blackest night
Burning bright
There's a guiding star
No matter what or who you are
20th Anniversary
Our 20th anniversary celebrations will take place in Week 8, Term 4! The main event is our spring fair on Friday, 2 December 2016.
I encourage everyone to come to see our school transformed into a theme park with rides, food stalls, fireworks and much, much more! Mrs Denise James, Deputy Principal, has been one of the key driving forces of our 20th anniversary celebrations. Ms Alice Koloveros has worked tirelessly in organising our gala dinner dance evening to be held on Saturday, 3 December 2016. Tickets are available for purchase at cecilhillshighschool20gala.eventbrite.com.au.
We have a massive committee that has worked for so many hours to ensure the celebration is a success. I am indebted to all of these staff members and parents for the pride and trust they display in Cecil Hills High School.
New staffing appointments
I am pleased to announce that two long-term temporary teachers have been appointed to Cecil Hills High School in permanent positions.
Ms Marija Miletic has been appointed as a PD/H/PE teacher and Ms Christine Charlton has been appointed as a Science teacher. Both of these staff members have shown great
dedication and commitment to
our school over a number of years. Importantly, they are both members of our welfare team as year advisers. In addition, Ms Miletic coordinates our reconnect program for late students and Ms Charlton is co-chair of our literacy and numeracy team. We look forward to continuing to benefit from their expertise and I am sure you will join me in congratulating them.
Mr Steve Flew
A very, very sad day for Cecil Hills High School is looming. Mr Steve Flew has been a most important member of our staff for such a long time but he will retire at the end of this year. He has worked at our school almost since the beginning and has held the roles of Head Teacher – Mathematics and Deputy Principal.
So many students have benefited from Mr Flew’s expert leadership and management over so many years. I will have much more to say in relation to Mr Flew in our final newsletter for 2016. In the meantime, I encourage former students to visit the school to catch up with him before he retires. In terms of my introductory quote from one of Mr Flew’s favourite movies (!), he has been a ‘guiding star’ at our school in so many areas including student welfare, curriculum, systems, administration, timetabling and literally everything else. The Cecil Hills High School community owes an enormous debt to Mr Flew who still demonstrates his passion for public education each and every day.
Uniform Shop
As previously announced, we have new operating hours for our uniform shop to provide greater access for parents. These are:
- Monday: 3pm to 6pm
- Wednesday: 8am to 11am
- Thursday: 12pm to 3pm
- Friday: 8am to 11am
Price list, including extended holiday opening times is attached here.
We have also launched a new online store:
Purchase uniforms online - Click here
Our supplier has agreed to provide uniform items free of charge to parents if they are delayed for four weeks. If this occurs, please contact the school office staff who will refer you to Daylight Schoolwear.
Save the Date
An information evening for Year 7 (2018) will be held on Monday, 20 February 2017. This will provide an opportunity for prospective parents and community members to learn more about our school and enjoy a guided tour of our state-of-the-art facilities.
Ms Renee Havas and Mr Morgan Howard, our year advisers for this year group, will be coordinating the event in conjunction with Ms Jo Tyson, Deputy Principal. Please save the date and further information will be provided to our feeder primary schools later this year and early next year.
P&C Meetings
A reminder that our final P&C meeting for this year will be held at 6:30pm on Monday, 5 December 2016.
I look forward to continuing to work with the staff, students and parents of Cecil Hills High School, the best school in NSW.
Mark Sutton, Principal