Mud run and other memories
Year 7 Camp reflections
I learnt that you should do what your heart tells you to do because that might be the only time you can do it. My favourite activity was the kayaking and mud run. I’ll most remember getting to hang out with all my friends and teachers. Kristina Knezevic
I have learnt that one important thing at camp was teamwork, especially when it comes to canoeing and you have to work as a team to survive in the waters. My favourite activity was the Commando night and that is going to be the best memory of my life because of how fun it was, particularly when you are with your friends. Darren Nguyen
At camp we were able to go kayaking, do the Giant swing, Commando night, leap of faith and the high ropes. Every activity we were going to do got me excited. Nelson Hok
I had so much fun at camp doing different games and activities. My favourite was the mud run because I got to throw mud at my teachers. At camp I learnt how to be a better leader and how to work in a team. I also learnt to remember that we should always push ourselves that little bit more. Camp was a great experience that I’ll remember for my whole school life. Travis Mobbs
The mud run was really funny because we all got so messy.The second day was fun too when we went to the sand dunes and rainforest. Those two trips were fun and the bus rides to the places were pretty interesting as well, because we sang and learnt some new funny songs and jokes. That night we had game night which was fun and interesting as well. I would definitely go back! Gabriella Porreca
The Great Aussie Bush Camp was an excellent experience for us this year. It was filled with many moments of fun and excitement. There were many parts that were enjoyable- in particular the famous Mud Run. There were mud fights and the end result was all of us looking like mud statues covered from head to toe in brown mud. We loved how the teachers became involved in the activities such as the night of the Spotlight game. It was great fun and we got to see our teacher’s cheeky personalities. The high ropes activity gave us the opportunity to achieve thins we thought we could never do. It was such a great camp.
Danni- Elle Carnovale