Parent & Student Matters  

3D Cross section of the Circus Maximus by Year 9 Elective History student

What's happening in the College? 

  • Year 9 Elective History 
  • CSDA Public Speaking and Debating
  • News from the Junior Resource Centre
  • News from the Senior Resource Centre
  • Uniform Shop Closed until further notice
  • National Youth Science Forum - applications now open (For Year 11 students)
  • Important Information on continuing the Duke of Edinburgh Award

Year 9 Elective History 

In Year 9 Elective History, we have been studying “constructing History - Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt”.  We looked at the various ways that history is constructed and shown to us today by looking at films, documentaries, articles and other forms to see how the history of Ancient Rome and Egypt is constructed. We also looked at issues regarding artefacts and what should be done with them - The 3D printing of King Tutankhamun’s mummy and the Tutankhamun exhibit that was scheduled to come to Sydney.

For our first task, we had to create an Ancient Roman or Ancient Egyptian replica artefact (a construction of history) and write a series of responses on the significance and purpose of this artefact to its society, the contribution of the artefact to the legacy of Rome or Egypt. We then had to analyse a source that we used in our research and debate its benefits and limitations for a historian studying the Legacy of Ancient Rome or Ancient Egypt.

The artefact I chose for my assessment task was The Gladius Hispaniensis (Spanish sword), more commonly known as the Roman Gladius. I chose this artefact because I wanted to explore how the Roman military was essential to the growth and control of the Roman Empire, and how they achieved military dominance. I also chose to replicate this artefact as nobody else was doing it. 

Below are some of the artefacts prepared by students in the class.

 Zachary Hollinger (Year 9 Student)

CSDA Public Speaking and Debating

CSDA Public Speaking Competition.

The Principals on the Executive of CSDA have asked for some way of continuing the competition. There appears to be some form of online medium that can be used and this would happen with the Senior competitors first.  Luke McManus in Year 12 had moved to the Zone Finals so watch this space.


CSDA Debating

As the situation stands this competition is not closed but may be reduced and have an online focus…if that can be sorted.  There are online debating competitions run globally so it will be a matter of seeing if that can work here. Watch this space.

Ms Michele Waterson, Debating and Public Speaking Convenor

News from the Junior Resource Centre

This Week's Highlights are Mrs Martin's Online Learning Activities


Our world has been part of many changes over the past month.  The Corona virus has altered where we are and how we go about our daily lives.... But stories are always part of who we are.  The Junior Resource Centre will continue to be part of your journey to continue to Read, Write, Think, Create and Share.


This week in our Library lessons, the boys explored:  Home Learning and Reading.  Here they were able to access a selection of great resources to keep the entire family engaged with books and storytelling.  Attached is the Home Learning and Reading resource.


Mrs Martin's Book TrailANZAC Girl - The War Diaries of Alice Ross-King, by Kate Simpson and Jess Racklyeft.  Using extracts from Alice's actual diaries kept in the Australian War Memorial, this story captures the danger, the heartache and the history of the young nurse who would one day become the most decorated woman in Australia.  #mrsmartinsbooktrail2020

Mrs Elena Martin, Teacher Librarian

News from the Senior Resource Centre

New books for the holidays

Did you know every month new titles are added to our ebook and audiobook collection? This month more Premier’s Reading Challenge books (pictured) along with a few ANZAC titles in celebration of ANZAC day.

I just finished listening to Adam SIlvera’s Infinity Son which ended in thrilling cliff-hanger. This fantasy novel for boys over 14 years packs a punch with its Marvel comic-like characters and storyline. Its deeper themes contribute to the success of this novel. For example, the author takes a swipe a social media in showing us its capacity to “control the narrative” and in creating fan cultures and envy in young people.

Ear-reading is great way to enjoy a story and an audiobook is the perfect companion in times of social isolation. Students are encouraged to borrow an audiobook from our ePlatform for their next a break from study or when they’re getting some exercise in.

Ms Karen Keighery, Teacher Librarian

Uniform Shop Closed until further notice

The Uniform Shop will be closed for appointments and collection of gear until further notice.

Students’ winter uniform, including blazers, that have been delivered, will be distributed and appointments can be made, in plenty of time before the students physically return to College.

Uniform orders can still be made by emailing: or leaving a message on the Uniform Shop phone extension: 9414 4339.

Mrs Deb Muirhead, Uniform Shop Supervisor

Rugby Supporters' Club Annual Dinner - Rescheduled

We have rescheduled the Rugby Supporters' Club Annual Dinner to Saturday 19 September.  It will be held at the Roseville Golf Club, commencing from 6.30 pm.  Save the Date.

Mr Paul O'Neill - Rugby Club President

National Youth Science Forum - Applications Open

Year 11 students are invited to apply for the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program, which is being held in January 2021.

The NYSF Year 12 Program is a residential program designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields.

Who Should Apply?

Students in Year 11 this year who are interested in and passionate about science and technology.


Session A:  Canberra.  Mon 4 January - Wed 13 January 2021

Session B:  Brisbane.  Monday 11 January - Wed 20 January 2021

Session C:  Canberra.  Mon 18 January - Wed 27 January 2021

If you have any questions please contact the NSYF office on (02) 6125 2777 or 

Mrs Joanne Schuster  - Science Coordinator

Continuing the Duke of Edinburgh during the COVID-19 health crisis

The following advice has been issued to participants on how to best complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in the present health crisis.

Please read the notification and follow the advice about alternative ways to maintain the 1 hour weekly commitment during the COVID Crisis. Should you have any further questions, please email Mrs Manga.

Mrs Kara Manga - Duke of Edinburgh's Award Coordinator