Pastoral Care

  • Attendance Roll Recording in Term 2
  • Use of the Student Diary Planner over the term break
  • Posters thanking Essential Care Workers and commemorating Servicemen and Women for ANZAC Day

Student Well-being Anecdotes from the Diary

" Fortune favours the prepared mind."  Louis Pasteur

"Go as long as you can, and then take another step." Anonymous

Attendance Roll Recording in Term 2

As our online learning environment continues into Term 2 recording of students’ attendance records must be maintained. Students will report their presence in 8.45 am Homerooms in Microsoft Teams online. This will build a sense of routine and engagement with learning. Our iWISE attendance rolls will be marked by homeroom staff from there. If your son is Sick / Absent, and unable to complete his learning for any particular day please email:  Please CC your son’s Homeroom Pastoral Care Teachers, so they are not waiting for a response online in roll call.

Subject teachers will mark their own class rolls, so be sure you are contributing to the learning environment by attending to, and submitting work for assessment and as evidence of your learning.

Use of the Student Diary Planner over the term break

There is a wealth of Well being and Positive Educational resources for students to give meaning and purpose to their learning in the College Student Diary Planner. The Term 1 Learning Goals and Reflections activities (on pages 66 and 67 of the Year 5-9 Diaries and page 62 of the Senior Diary), will support your learning as you move into Term 2.

Posters thanking Essential Health Workers and commemorating Servicemen and Women for ANZAC Day

If you find yourself looking for something to do over the Easter break why not make a poster online which we can then email onto our Hospital and Health Workers, and also to our Servicemen and Servicewomen? They will all be experiencing a very different Easter and ANZAC Day this year, as will we all. All deserve our thoughts, consideration and gratitude!  Posters can be emailed to me at and will be forwarded on.


Lest we forget


Have a well-earned break over the Easter Weekend and School Holiday period, and look after those you are with. Siempre con respecto.

Fide et Labore

Mr Sean Brannan, Assistant Principal Pastoral Care and Well being