Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

School Council Elections 2023 - Parents in Partnership

At our 2023 election we had 3 parent vacancies, the term of office for these vacancies being two years.  


We were excited to receive 6 nominations for the parent vacancies for School Council this year. This is a positive sign indicating that our school has interested parents who are willing to commit their time and effort into our school.


As the number of parent nominations exceeded the number of parent vacancies, an election process was in place. Families received their ballot papers last week, giving them an opportunity to vote for the person they would like to see on School Council.


I am delighted to announce the Parent Members returning to School Council are Ali Sahin, Kristie Hollow and Lyla Badawy. Thank you to all of the parents who nominated for your interest in joining our School Council.

2022 Annual Report to the School Community - Parents in Partnership

You are invited to attend the School Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) to hear the outcomes of the 2022 Annual Report to the School Community. The annual report provides a means for the school council to inform the community of what has been achieved and how the school has performed in the previous year. 


The annual report includes the following :-

  • a profile comment about our school including the school’s vision and purpose, and defining attributes of the school including its geographic location, size and structure, social characteristics, enrolment characteristics, special programs etc.
  • comments on the school’s progress and what the school is doing to improve student outcomes in the three areas of achievement, engagement and wellbeing.
  • Information about school enrolments, the socio-economic background of students, the proportion of students with English as an additional language, data related to parent and staff satisfaction.
  • How our students are performing in English and Mathematics compared to all Victorian Primary Schools.
  • Student attendance data.
  • Year 4 to Year 6 Student Attitudes to School data.
  • Parent Satisfaction Summary.
  • School Staff Survey Summary.

Please Note – School Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 6:00pm on Tuesday, 21st March followed by the School Council meeting with the new Council at 6:30pm. The AGM is an open meeting, so I am cordially inviting parents to attend if they wish to do so. Could you please notify the office if you are going to attend. At the AGM we will table and discuss the Annual Report to the School Community which outlines school outcomes and progress for 2022.


NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. 


NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time. In 2023, the NAPLAN test window is between Wednesday 15th March and Wednesday 22nd March.


NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress.


NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy. 


Our students in Year 3 and Year 5 will do the NAPLAN tests online. NAPLAN has now transitioned from paper-based to computer-based assessments. All Year 3 students will continue to complete the writing assessment on paper. 


Smoking is banned in and around Schools

Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is banned within the school grounds and within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools, childcare centres and kindergartens in Victoria under an amendment to the Tobacco Act 1987.


The smoking ban applies to:

  • anyone present on school premises during and after school hours including students, teachers, contractors, parents/guardians or the wider community, such as sporting groups.
  • all activities that take place on school premises including pre-schools, kindergartens, outside school hours care, cultural, sporting or recreational activities and school fetes.

Food for Thought








Angelika Ireland