School Update

Catch up opportunity for school photos
School photos were taken last Friday. Many thanks to four of our Year 6 students who were fantastic as the runners coordinating the class groups. Thanks to Charli W, Astri R, Zain S and Thomas R.
For students absent on photo day there is a catch up day at the MSP office on Thursday 20th April. Individual and sibling photos can be done at that time. Contact MSP on 03 9466 7331 to make a booking.
Charlie and Charlotte (our current French Captains) along with Eden and Freida (our current Visual Art Captains) are excited to introduce to you our new sign at the front of the school. The word “bienvenue” means welcome in French.
They would like to recognise the hard work of the 2022 French & Visual Art Captains Lily, Hope, Annabelle and Beatrix who initiated this project and the entire 2022 Year 6 cohort who created this wonderful artwork as their legacy to Monty South. Thanks to Sally Cotterill (Art) and Helen Giller (French) for bringing the project to fruition as an acknowledgement of our wonderful French language program.
Easter Bonnet Parade - Thursday 6th April
This will be held on the last day of term 1, Thursday, 6th April, commencing at 9:30 am for our Prep-Year 2 students. The parade will be held in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend and watch the fun.
Free Dress Day & Easter hamper donations - Friday 31st March
Parents’ and Friends’ will run a casual dress day to raise funds for the school. Students are asked to bring donations for the Easter hamper raffle, or a gold coin. Donations of chocolate, wine, other delicious food items, gift vouchers, Easter novelties and crafts will be gratefully accepted. Raffle tickets will be available in coming weeks for $1 each via CompassTix. There are usually 20+ hampers to win. The raffle will be drawn at the final assembly for term 1 on Wednesday 5th April between 2.45pm and 3.15pm.