Student news

Prep Assembly and Welcome and Smoking Ceremony
Yesterday was a very special day for our 2023 Prep cohort. We were honoured to have Uncle Ian, our local Wurundjeri elder, join us to perform a traditional Welcome and Smoking ceremony. The significance of this traditional cultural practice is to clear away your worries and bad feelings. Each child was then gifted a gum leaf to represent Uncle Ian's acceptance for each child to live and play on Wurundjeri land, and as an agreement to care for the water, plants and animals which we share this land with. After that, each Prep student was individually introduced to the wider school community, sharing what they would like to be when they grow up. The Preps then performed some songs they have been learning, and finished the morning with a picnic with their Year 6 buddies and families.
Congratulations to our 2023 Principal Advisory Leaders (School Captains)
Our 2023 PALs were presented to the whole school and received their captain badges at assembly on 22nd February. We know these students will make excellent ambassadors for the school and will be wonderful role models for our younger students who will see them take the school assembly each week and perform other leadership duties throughout the school.
On 28th of February, some of our PALs attended the Youth Leadership Academy Australia, Dream and Lead Conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. There were a total of 80 schools from across Victoria in attendance, which totalled 1,400 students altogether!
Our PALs heard from facilitators who motivated and inspired them to be the best leaders they could be, as well as provide some essential positive leadership strategies that can be used both this year and in the future. The PALs loved the experience and walked away ready to put all they had learnt into action!
Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP)
In recognition of their ability in either English or Maths, 7 of our year 5 and 6 students have been offered places next term in the Victorian High-Ability Program - Billie B, Oscar B, Owen B, Eva Perizzolo, Astri R, Freya R, Charli W. VHAP consists of ten-week online courses in Mathematics and English that enable students to be inspired, challenge themselves and each other, gain confidence in their choices and abilities and feel excited by their learning.
Division Swimming Acheivers
A strong 26-student team represented Monty South at Watermarc on 1st March. The team put in another incredibly impressive performance, with plenty of ribbons to show for their efforts. However, regardless of the results, all students had a smile on their face and were encouraging each other to do their personal best.
The Northern Metropolitan Swimming Championships will be held on Thursday, March 30th at Watermarc for those students progressing to this level. Congrats again to the whole team for their great effort both in the pool and supporting one another!
We'd like to celebrate students' achievements outside of school. If you would like to share photos and information about your child's achievements, please email them to us at