Grade Bulletin - Term Three, 2023

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School provides a range of holistic learning experiences to enable students to:

  • Participate in the life and mission of the school.
  • Deepen their knowledge and engagement with the Catholic faith and tradition.
  • Build the capacity to continuously reason, reflectively, logically and critically.
  • Embrace interdependence of human existence as global citizens, who are responsible to and for themselves and others.
  • Engage in learning in a multitude of ways, through personalised and self-paced learning.

Religious Education

3.6 Relationships: Sharing God’s Love

This unit focuses on our response to and sharing of God’s love through the ways we live in a right relationship with God and other people. The unit explores the Second and Eighth Commandments as guides to building relationships based on respect, dignity and honesty through which God’s love is shared. The unit concludes by examining the importance of prayer in developing our relationship with God and others.  


3.7 Eucharist: Jesus is with us

This unit develops students’ understanding of the celebration of the Eucharist. The unit focuses on the key parts of the Mass and explores the ways Christ is present. It presents the Mass as central to the life of the community. In sharing the Eucharist, we become one body in Christ.


This term, Year 3 will explore persuasive texts in the form of literature and speeches. These texts include Dear Mrs LaRue by Mark Teague, and The Great Kopak Tree by Lynne Cherry as well as multimodal persuasive speechesThe students will develop their skills in persuasive writing through a Stage 2 Public Speaking Competition. Students will follow the ‘Seven Steps of Writing’ program to compose a speech and will be taught public speaking skills. They will also be taught explicit skills in relation to reading, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. Students will engage in the ’Sound Waves Spelling’ program, which is implemented throughout the whole school. 


Flexible learning groups will continue this term. The activities are differentiated and the children are grouped in order to cater to their needs and abilities. The students are explicitly taught concepts from the NSW Mathematics K-10 Syllabus. The topics taught in Term 3 include; Three Dimensional Space, Multiplication and Division, Mass, Volume and Capacity, Whole Numbers, Addition, and Subtraction. The students will continue to engage in a numeracy fluency program to develop counting patterns, as well as facts and strategies for mathematical operations.

Science and Technology

In Science and Technology, Year 3 will be exploring the Material World. Students will focus on how solids and liquids change state and the properties of natural and processed materials. Students investigate how different properties of materials affect their suitability for products.


This term students in Kindergarten to Year 6 will continue to participate in the Chinese language program called the Meg Language Program. The Meg Curriculum is written by the co-author of the Australian Curriculum. All students and teachers will participate in the digital learning platform via Zoom weekly sessions with educators in China.


The unit for this term is ‘Community and Remembrance’. This topic provides a study of identity and diversity in both a local and broader context. Students explore the historical features and diversity of their community. They examine local, state and national symbols and emblems of significance, and celebrations and commemorations, both locally and in other places around the world.

Creative Arts

In Creative Arts students will participate in 5 weeks of Music and 5 weeks of Drama. During Music lessons, students will be participating in musical activities focusing on vocal performances. Students will also be studying the brass musical family. Students will use digital technologies to compose, notate and appreciate Music. 


During Drama lessons, students will be participating in activities focused on improvisation performances. Students will create characters and use vocal expression and projection to perform for their audience. 


Visual Arts this term will be integrated with Mathematics. By appreciating 3D Artworks,  students will be identifying the resemblances between subject matter in artworks and the features of things as they exist in the world, recognising the similarities and differences in how things are represented in the artworks. Students will sketch 3D objects with volume and depth and experiment with one-point perspective drawings. 

Amadeus Music Program

Students will continue with the Amadeus Music Education Program and participate in activities in listening, performing and organising sound within their regular Classroom Music lessons. 

  • It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they:
    • Arrive on time for each lesson
    • Bring their instrument and required accessories to every lesson
    • Bring their Essential Elements* music book
    • Bring a lead pencil and eraser

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

This Term students will continue the Open Parachute program. Open Parachute aims to provide practical support on mental health to students. The program aims to reduce stigma and generate authentic dialogue in classrooms about the real issues students face. The psychological skills-building exercises aim to increase empathy, self-compassion, self-awareness, mental health literacy, and self-efficacy in students.


K-6 students are also participating in Jump Rope for Heart this term, which will focus on skipping for children with sick hearts. If you wish to register to raise funds use this link


It is recommended that Year 3 students spend a duration of 30 minutes on Homework per day. This includes 20 minutes of reading every night. This term, students are provided a homework grid with various activities to choose from. Students must complete activities 1, 2 and 3 every week. They also choose 2 other activities from the grid to complete each week. Students are to return their Homework book and Maths Plus book every Monday. 

Important Dates for Year 3 

Grandparents Day - Friday, 28 July

Book Week Parade - Friday 25 August

Father's Day Liturgy - Friday, 1 September

Year 3 Excursion: Friday 1st September

Matilda the Musical: Thursday 7th September

Year 3 Interschool Sport Gala Day: Tuesday 12th September


School Term - 17 July - 22 September 2023

Refer to the School Calendar for Staff Development Days

Parent calendar available at this link 


We look forward to working with you and your child this term. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher via a note or by appointment via the office. 


Miss Taylar Puskaric (3Blue)

Miss Kathleen Kennedy (3Gold)

Mr Thomas Gair (3White)