
Jane Szokolik

Library Technician

New on the shelves

Devotion by Hannah Kent

Prussia, 1836. Hane Nussbaum is a child of nature - she would rather run wild in the forest than conform to the limitations of womanhood. In her village of Kay, Hanne is friendless and considered an oddity-- until she meets Thea. Ocean, 1838. The Nussbaums are Old Lutherans, bound by God's law and at odds with their King's order for reform. Forced to flee religious persecution the families of Kay board a crowded, disease-riddled ship bound for the new colony of South Australia. In the face of brutal hardship, the beauty of whale song enters Hanne's heart, along with the miracle of her love for Thea. Theirs is a bond that nothing can break. The whale passed. The music faded. South Australia, 1838. A new start in an old land. God, society and nature itself decree Hanne and Thea cannot be together. But within the impossible--is devotion. 


The Jammer by Nova Weetman

Fred has moved around her whole life, one small town after another, and never minded starting over. She's always had her mum, her dad, and her love of roller derby. On the track she's Fred or Dead, the star jammer, a gun at smashing through a line of bodies and scoring for her team. But Fred's life has fallen apart, and now she can't imagine ever putting her skates on again. On a road trip to Melbourne with her dad, Fred meets a bunch of people who think they know what's best for her. And although Fred tries to avoid it, roller derby has a way of barging back into her life. A true jammer could push through anything, but Fred doesn't know who she is anymore. What do you do when the thing that could save you is the thing that hurts the most?


The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

When robot Roz opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island. She has no idea how she got there or what her purpose is--but she knows she needs to survive. After battling a fierce storm and escaping a vicious bear attack, she realizes that her only hope for survival is to adapt to her surroundings and learn from the island's unwelcoming animal inhabitants. As Roz slowly befriends the animals, the island starts to feel like home--until, one day, the robot's mysterious past comes back to haunt her.


The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown

After being captured by the Recons and returned to civilization for reprogramming, Roz is sent to Hilltop Farm where she befriends her owner's family and animals, but pines for her son, Brightbill.


A Separate Peace by John Knowles

Set at a boys' boarding school in New England during the early years of World War II, A Separate Peace is a harrowing and luminous parable of the dark side of adolescence. Gene is a lonely, introverted intellectual. Phineas is a handsome, taunting, daredevil athlete. What happens between the two friends one summer, like the war itself, banishes the innocence of these boys and their world.



Strike the Zither by Joan He 

The year is 414 of the Xin Dynasty and chaos abounds. A puppet empress is on the throne. The realm has fractured and three warlordesses each hope to claim the continent for herself. But Zephyr knows it's no contest. Orphaned at a young age, Zephyr took control of her fate by becoming the best strategist in the land. Now she serves under the most honourable lordesss, the last one still loyal to the empress. But honour is double-edged in a war where one must betray or be betrayed, and it's up to Zephyr to infiltrate a rival camp when their survival hinges on it. There is more than one enemy, however - and not all of them are human. Can Zephyr finally overcome her fate?


Liars series by Jack Heath

Book 1 - The Truth App

The Truth App is the latest craze in the town of Kelton. It listens to everyone around you and tells you if they're lying. When the app goes viral, its teenage creator, Jarli, becomes famous overnight. But being a celebrity can be dangerous. Especially when you've just exposed everyone's deepest, darkest secrets. Now everyone is out to get Jarli. Kids at school. Teachers. The police. Even his own family. And the secret network of criminals based in Kelton have just added Jarli to their hit list. The truth doesn't always set you free.


Book 2 - No Survivors

Kelton was the perfect hiding place. Until now. A plane crash destroys a house in Kelton. The cause of the accident is a mystery and all the passengers are missing. Jarli has been lying low since the crime boss known as Viper threatened his family. But then his Truth App uncovers a dangerous secret at the crash site: a secret Viper wants to stay buried. Suddenly Jarli is a target again. There is no one he can trust, not even the police. He has to find out what else Viper is hiding before it is too late. Lies can hurt, but the truth can kill.


Book 3 - The Set-Up

A robot battle turns sinister when Jarli is approached by government agents. They want him to use his lie-detector app to prove the defence minister is telling the truth. The minister may not be lying, but someone else is. A shock attack occurs and Jarli becomes the prime suspect. He can't even use the Truth app to prove his innocence because someone has hacked it. Soon Jarli is on the run from the police, unable to trust anyone. Only one person could be behind this diabolical plan. Can Jarli stop Viper before it's too late? The truth won't stay buried for long.


Book 4 - Lockdown

Armed mercenaries invade a hospital and start taking hostages. Some school students barricade themselves in a surgical theatre. But the mercenaries are hunting an injured man and he's in there with them. Jarli, creator of the Truth app, is one of the students trapped in the hospital. All the phones are jammed. The building is locked down. No help is coming. The mercenaries work for Viper, a ruthless and deadly criminal. Jarli and his friends have outwitted Viper before - can they do it again?


Book 5 - Armageddon

Jarli has lost a day. His missing memories may reveal the identity of Viper -- who just announced a plan to destroy the town of Kelton. Meanwhile, Doug is trapped in Viper's hidden prison. He's been given up for dead by his family and friends -- but he has a daring plan to escape. Jarli and his friends are close to unmasking Viper, but the master criminal has spies everywhere. Can Jarli tell his friends from his enemies in time to thwart Viper's final, terrible scheme?