
Claire Walker

Mental Health Practitioner

Sleep Challenge

Challenge yourself or a friend:   How many can you say yes to?

  1. I go to bed roughly at the same time each night and wake up roughly the same time each morning.
  2. I get around 8 hours sleep each night.
  3. I avoid napping during the day as it disrupts my sleep wake cycle.
  4. I avoid eating or doing homework in bed otherwise my brain learns to be alert.
  5. I avoid screens for 30-60 min before bed, if I go to bed at 10pm that means putting phone away or on ‘flight mode’ at 9pm.
  6. I try and ‘wind down’ before bed each night.
  7. If I do need more sleep I go to bed earlier rather than sleep in the next day.
  8. If I can’t sleep I get up and do something low stimulus then try again (otherwise my brain will just associate being alert with bed).
  9. If I can’t fall asleep for ages I get up and do something boring and then try again.
  10. I have a break between screens and bed.
  11. I have a break between homework and bed.
  12. I avoid DMs/TikTok/messenger/Discord/Insta/WeChat etc in bed.
  13. My bedroom is somewhere I feel safe and calm.
  14. My bedroom is quiet and dark.
  15. I get at least 20 min exercise everyday.
  16. I eat a pretty healthy diet.
  17. I avoid intense conversations right before bed.
  18. I get sunlight and fresh air everyday.
  19. I put my phone away before bed.
  20. I avoid nicotine and alcohol.

If I consistently get less than 6 hours sleep a night, or take more than 1 hour to fall asleep, then I can ask for help.

For more help I can:

  • Go to Wellbeing
  • See my GP
  • See a mental health professional

Auburn High School Wellbeing Team

Source: CCI Centre for Clinical Interventions ‘Sleep Hygiene’ www.cci.health.wa.gov.au Retrieved 22/2/22