Physical Education/Health

Ashley Lanfranchi

PE/Health Learning Area Leader

Division Swimming

On Friday 3 March, the AHS Division Swim team competed at the Mullum Division championship.  Auburn dominated in the pool and were crowned Champion School for the fourth year running.


It was also great to hear reports from teachers of other schools and parents at the event that all of the Auburn competitors were polite, respectful and 'really nice kids'.  It is great to see our students being such great ambassadors within the greater community.


Huge congratulations to the following students who were crowned age champions:

  • 13 years - Max M and Jolene C
  • 14 years - Luca C and Saniya A
  • 15 years - Eric K and Amelie C
  • 16 years - William B




In January this year, Year 12 student James S represented Victoria in the 2023 U18 Baseball Australian Youth Championships (AYC) in Sydney, where the team won bronze.