It is great to be back into the school routine again. Students and staff are working well together through the respective subject curriculum. It is lovely to see and hear rich learning happening around the school.


I may mention this a few times this year, however, our students look amazing in the new uniform, especially our Year 7s. It is great to see other students picking up aspects of the new uniform, such as socks, jackets and rugby jumpers. This is a year of transition to the new uniform, therefore we have made some allowances. Having said this, the students are expected to wear the uniform correctly and with pride. Students wearing the old jacket will be spoken to and asked to remove it. Black socks have never been uniform, so please encourage your child to wear the correct white or grey socks. The new socks can be purchased at Clark’s Gift Salon in Campbell St Swan Hill.


This week we held our annual Swimming Carnival, a highlight event on the school calendar.  Fortunately we were able to move this a day earlier and although it was still a very warm day, we were able to avoid being out in the 38 - 40 degree heat of Thursday. Well done to Grace Scott, Extra-curricular Activities Coordinator on her organisation and the many staff and parents that assisted on the day. I hope all students had an enjoyable day. Well done to Woods House for being awarded the House Spirit award and to Tenison House for winning overall. I was very impressed with the participation of our Year 7 students at their first carnival, with many students volunteering to swim in events outside of their age group.


On Friday we celebrate our first Mass together as a 2023 community. This is always a joyous occasion as we commission our 2023 College Captains and student leaders into their positions.  Two of our College Captains will be absent from the Mass as they have had the opportunity to participate in a Josephite Leadership experience in Sydney. Student leaders from Josephite schools across Australia and New Zealand will be in attendance. I look forward to hearing of their experience when they return next week.


Each year the St Patrick’s Race Club hold a meet in Swan Hill and donate all profits from the day to St Mary’s Primary School and St Mary MacKillop College. This year the St Pat’s Race Club Race Day is on Sunday 19th March. This also happens to be the Feast Day of St Joseph, who holds special significance to our school community.


We do not ask for donations very often, therefore I hope that when you receive your letter next week you will consider purchasing tickets to the race meet, even if you are unable to attend. All monies raised from selling tickets to our families comes directly back to the school. In the past we have utilised these funds to purchase extra resources for the Learning Resource Centre or support our Wellbeing programs and families that need assistance. I hope that you are able to attend.