Class reps needed

Become a class rep!

We are looking for parents/caregivers who are interested in being a classroom representative (Class Rep) this year. 


The classroom representative role is fulfilled by one or more parent/carers who organise social interaction of families within the classroom. Our aim is to build a sense of community by ensuring that our parents/carers are adequately informed about school events and how they can participate or contribute. 


Class reps facilitate communication and connection amongst families and children in the same class and particularly to welcome new families into the school. 


This is one of the many ways you can help our school community. It is our aim to allocate classroom representatives to all classes and notify you as soon as possible in readiness for this year’s classes. 


Please email SKIPPA if you would like to be a rep with your class, teacher, name, child’s name, email and phone number.


SKiPPA (St Kilda Park Parents' Association)