A message from the Principal

As the rest of this newsletter shows, 2023 is now into full swing - with our start of year CAPSE (Creating a Positive School Environment) program complete, classes are settling into more formal learning routines.


Later in the newsletter, our year levels each have a page to share a 'curriculum update' - a communication to let you know what they will be learning in the first half of this term and to provide reminders of key dates and upcoming events. We will share two of these updates each term in our newsletter and recommend that you read over them in order to understand what your child will be doing at school and to best support this learning at home.


Tonight also sees our parent information sessions, run as hybrid sessions, both face to face and streamed via Webex to give everyone the best chance of attending. Next week we will run parent-teacher interviews to provide you with a chance to meet your child's teacher face to face, pass on any key information you feel they need and to discuss their start to the school year.


Among all of this, we are also excited to provide our annual start of year 'Jazz in the Park' event for families to connect on Tuesday the 28th February at 5:30pm. This is a lovely night to meet other families, get to know each other and listen to some great music and has been a great SKiPPS tradition for well over 30 years. 

There is no need to cook on the evening as SKiPPA, our Parent's Association will be running a BBQ, Sushi Stall, Baked Potato stall , Cake Stall and Bar.


To make this a success we need as many parents as possible to sign up for 30 mins or so to help on a stall. This is a great way to get to know parents from all year levels. The online roster can be found at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B094BABA62EA3F85-jazz2 and we encourage you to sign up for a slot to help out.


We also need as many parents as possible to bake for the cake stall. More information on that is coming soon.


I look forward to seeing you all at the event.


Neil Scott
