
Performing Arts

Prep- Grade 2

Students in Grades Prep-Grade 2 have been learning about percussion instruments, beat and rhythm as they explore a different culture each week. So far students have sung songs, played music from, and learnt about Chinese, Maori, Aboriginal and African musical cultures and traditions. Next assembly, Grades 1 and 2 will be singing a Maori welcome song ‘Tena Koe’ to welcome students, teachers and families to our assembly. 


Grade 3 and 4

Students in Grades 3 and 4 have been busy dancing this term and have been learning about the Elements of Dance and Choreographic Devices as they watched and learnt about the culture around the Maori Haka, Boogied Bollywood style, did the Cha-Cha with all the Latin flair they could muster and Line Danced with country charm. 


Grade 5 and 6

We are celebrating the many Grade 5 and 6 students who stepped up to audition for speaking and specialist dance roles in ‘What a Knight’. We were blown away by the additional preparation that students had done in their own time and by the clear love of Performing Arts shown over the 2 audition days. Safe to say we have a wonderful show to look forward to with so many talented performers at our school, we can’t wait to get into rehearsals in Term 2! 


Junior Choir and Senior Sing

Our choirs have gotten off to a fantastic start this year with many new members in both Junior Choir and Senior Sing. Students are enjoying singing with friends and developing their vocal skills. We are currently preparing to perform at the Warrandyte Festival on Saturday 18th of March at 1:30pm on the mainstage. Its sure to be a great performance opportunity for our students as well as a fun community event.

Visual Arts





Grade 1 & 2

Our grade 1 and 2 students have been busily designing their puppets. They have learnt about the design process and are now applying it to the first challenge of the year. We have included some work in progress photos we took whilst working this week.


Grade 3 & 4

Our grade 3 and 4 students have been designing their marble runs. They get a lot of free choice in their design however do need to stay within the constraints of size, number of turns to complete the run, walls within the box, marble must run freely and has to have a start and end point. The photos are some work in progress photos we took this week.

Please send a roughly shoebox sized box in with your child for them to use for their marble run. e.g. Shoebox, cereal box, lcm box


Grade 5 & 6

Our grade 5 and 6 students are learning about the real world context of the planning documents they are creating within Maker Space. e.g. Gantt Chart. Once our written designs and project plans are complete students can commence their building.

Please send a roughly shoebox sized box (for our marble run challenge) in with your child for them to use for their marble run. e.g. Shoebox, cereal box, lcm box


Physical Education


Whole School Cross Country

Our annual Whole School Cross Country fundraiser event is coming up on Thursday 30th March. Students have begun training for this event here at school. Where possible, we encourage students to train with their families at home. A notice with specific details will be coming out soon. 


Grade 6 Interschool Sport and Grade 5 Sport

Our Grade 5&6 Sport program has officially kicked off this week (Friday 24th February) with a round of matches against against Ringwood North for our Grade 6 students and our Grade 5 students playing either cricket, netball or tee-ball. We look forward to seeing our senior students enjoy Friday Sport each week as they get the opportunity to participate with their friends in a variety of sports and settings. 


School Sport Victoria Student Leader Program

One of our Grade 5 Students, Mischa, has been selected as one of 14 students across the state to participate in the School Sport Victoria Student Leader Program.


As part of this program, Mischa attended the first of several sessions last week. At this session, she was given the opportunity to collaborate with the other 13 students, as well as Ellie Cole (Paralympian Cold Medallist) and Annabel Smith (Commonwealth Games Diving Gold Medallist). 



We are super proud of Mischa for being selected to be part of this prestigious program and can’t wait to hear how she goes throughout the year in representing our school community at the sessions.


Maroondah District and Division Tennis Trials

We had a small group of students attend the Maroondah District and Division Tennis Trials. All of them had a tremendous day and enjoyed the challenge of competing against talented tennis players from other schools in our area. 

At the conclusion of the day, Oscar and Nicholas were informed that they had succesfully progressed through to the next level.


We congratulate all of them for their exceptional effort on the day and thank their families for supporting them to compete at this event.


District Swimming Carnival

On Monday 27th February a small number of students from Grade 4, 5 and 6 travelled to  Tintern Grammar School to represent Wonga Park PS at the Ringwood District Swimming Carnival. It was a great morning of competition and we are very proud of all the students' efforts. A special thank you to Karin Pannenborg and Ben Martin for coordinating the students on the day. 

Congratulations to all competitors, particularly Lily Garrett and Thomas Poppins who successfully progressed to the Division Swimming Carnival. At this event, Lily finished third in backstroke and Thomas finished second in both backstroke and breastroke, which means he moves on to the Regional Swimming Carnival. A fantastic effort by both!