Student Leaders' News

Term 1

Hello and welcome to the School Leaders page of 2023 Wonga Park newsletter!

We have had many fun events in the past few weeks of school starting and can't wait for more! On Thursday 16th March we are having a Colour Run. We hope everyone will attend this fun night! The event is a fundraiser for the Wonga Park CFA and also our Welcome to Country Garden that the 2022 Grade 3/4 students initiated for our school. 


We have started Interschool Sport and have been having lots of fun. This week we are playing Yarra Road Primary School. We are so excited! 

The Grade Six students have also had a lot of fun with their Prep Buddies. We hope your Prep children feel welcome at Wonga Park! 

This term our CBL Big Idea has been Connection, this means each class at Wonga Park will be learning about Connections. 

Later this month, we are doing our Cross Country event, students will participate in a race, some students from Grade 3-6 will be selected to run in the District Cross Country.

 Big congratulations to the new student leaders who have been elected House Captains, Art, Music, ICT, Green Team, Student Voice and more. 


We will tell you now a bit about ourselves...

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. Some of you know me, but if you don't know my name, it is Harvey. I love sport, music, travelling and doing absolutely anything with my family. I have a brother called Miles who is in Year 4, a Mum who is a teacher , a Dad who teaches people about medicine and a dog called Lucy. I am so excited to be your school captain for 2023!


Hello everyone, my name is Annika and I am one of the school captains for 2023. I am so excited about all the fun things I will be doing for our school. I love signing, dancing and acting - I have recently received a part in the school production. I love the colour pink and I also have an interest in fashion and makeup art. I have a younger brother in Grade 3 named Hamish, who loves basketball and tennis. My Mum loves to cook and works at a shop that sells lots of lovely creative things. My Dad is really good at playing basketball and works at job where he gets to travel to different cities around the world, like London! I am so happy to represent our school this year!