From the Learning Specialists

Terri Gioia &  Cindy Norman

‘Daily Reading’- Why would we want to do that?


By now, your family will be settled into their school routines for the new year. This will include such things as packing school bags each night, making lunches each morning and finding time each day to focus on some home learning tasks. 


One of the tasks we ask our students to complete as a part of their home learning routines is to read every day, for a minimum of twenty minutes. There are many benefits to gain when reading is a part of your daily routine, more than just developing a lifelong love of literature.


When you dedicate twenty minutes of each day to reading, it is estimated that you will be exposed to 1.8 million words a year! Now that is an impressive statistic! Imagine how much that must positively impact learning? Reading for twenty minutes a day will help you increase your general knowledge, improve your communication and analytical skills, and you will obviously enrich your vocabulary along the way too. Sounds amazing, right? Below is a list of even more benefits that we think will encourage you to participate daily in this great home learning task-

  • Daily reading improves the health and strength of your brain. 
  • Daily reading helps build your ability to socialise appropriately. 
  • People who read each day show greater empathy towards others. 
  • Reading literature allows you to gain perspective about new experiences.
  • Reading books is the best method for building a strong and extensive vocabulary.
  • Reading before bed reduces stress in your body, which then promotes sleep.
  • Daily reading promotes a wide imagination, a higher level of creativity and improved writing skills.
  • Exposure to multiple cultures, ideas, and worlds is the result of reading extensively.

The advantages of reading daily are immense. And just twenty minutes a day is all it takes to reap these benefits! We are sure you will agree, reading each day is a great home learning task to complete!


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. 

The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go!’ 

Dr. Seuss