Shining Star Award 

Assembly #1 & #2 – Term One – Shining Star Award 





 ‘Congratulations for a wonderful start to school’ 


Valentina B



Teddy M



Kruze C



Indiana S

You brighten our day with your cheerful nature and kindness you show. It has been wonderful to see you strengthening friendships in our class.  

You have made a great start to the year, your kindness, creativity and willingness to learn is wonderful to see. Well done, Teddy.

For always bringing your creativity and positive attitude to our class. You always try your best to learn new things! Well done, Kruze!

You are such a caring and thoughtful friend in 1A. Indi you are always striving to do your best and help your classmates at any chance you can. What a star!


Juno C


Oscar S



Talia M

Juno you have a huge amount of enthusiasm and positivity for everything that you do at school.  You make our classroom shine!

Oscar, you are a complete superstar! Not only do you always put in 100% into everything you do, you go out of your way to fill everyone's buckets.

Talia, you have a heart of gold and are always so kind and caring towards others in our class. We appreciate everything that you do!


Harvey B


Alice A

For being your wonderful curious self who loves and celebrates every part of learning.  You are a Star of learning star

For always showing initiative in your work and organisation and for going out of your way to help others.


Violet K


Jett L

Your positive attitude to learning tasks and school activities is admired by us all.

For having a wonderful attitude to all learning tasks. Fantastic work Jett!


Flynn B


Lucinda B


Harper Mc


Sienna S

For your positive and enthusiastic attitude towards learning.  What a brilliant start to Grade Two!

For brightening our day with your cheerful, kind and inclusive nature. What a Shining Star!

Thank you for kindly supporting a friend in need. We love having you in 2B! 

You are a kind member of 2B who spreads happiness! Your smile and encouraging words fill our buckets. 


Tiarra S



Paden V


Ben I

For your commitment and dedication to learning. You give your personal best in everything you do in the classroom and are a role model to look up to.

For your thoughtful and generous heart. Thank you for looking out for others and offering your support.

For your commitment to making positive learning choices and sharing your values through your actions.


 Josh B, Stevie J, Sarah G, Matteo H




Kayden C

Mackenzie K

Ethan M

For the energy and enthusiasm you bring to class every day.

For the positive way you approach all learning activities, always striving for your personal best.

For being a wonderful role model and leader in 4A. Thanks for setting such a great example to others.


Charlotte J

Ava B

What an amazing start to Grade 4! Your kindness and hard work has not gone unnoticed. Well done! 

What a great start to the year Ava! Your focus and persistence has been amazing this week. Keep it up! 


Rachel G


Alex G

For being a caring and inclusive member of 4C and having an awesome start to the year. Keep it up Rach! 

For putting your best foot forward as you give your best effort in every task. You’re a sensational member of 4C Alex!


Thomas P




Harrison T

For the focus, independence and confidence you are showing, particularly during writing and maths. It is great to see you approach learning with a growth mindset and the self-belief that you CAN do it! 

You have had an incredible start to Grade 5. Your efforts in striving towards your personal goal of improving your focus has been visible every day. The quality of your work has been a very high standard and you are achieving great things. We are immensely proud of you!


Alex M



Indie S

For starting the year with a fantastic attitude and always being someone to put a smile on other people’s faces. Well done all your efforts.

For trying her best in work tasks and having such a positive attitude towards your learning this week. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Well done.


Hudson G



Ellen S


For starting the year with a positive and hard-working attitude. I appreciate your efforts to help keep our classroom tidy. You are a shining star!

For consistently displaying a hard-working and positive attitude towards your learning and willingly helping others. You are a star Ellen!


Charlotte S


Jack C

You striving to put your personal best effort into every single learning task. Your work is always of a high standard.

Your persuasive writing shows strong arguments that have evidence and good examples.


Riley D



Grace C

For being a fantastic team member. You ensure everyone’s ideas are included in a task by appreciating their perspectives and talents.  Thanks for making our community inclusive.

For your exceptional hard work in your learning. You always give your personal best, shown in the way you focus on a task, ask important questions and work through every challenge positively. Your curiosity is inspiring.


Charlie C




Nyah G

You have shown strong engagement in your learning by asking questions, contributing your ideas and staying focused during tasks. I am beyond impressed and can’t wait to see you thrive in Grade 6!

You have shown such wonderful commitment and dedication to your learning. We love hearing you share your ideas with the class and watching you work so hard to achieve your goals.