All About Wellness

Back to School

Getting back in to school after the holidays

The new school year is here! It’s hard to believe how quickly the holidays flew by.

The first few weeks of the school year can be a tricky time getting back into the swing of things. 


Here are our top tips to help make the transition from holidays to the classroom easier for all the family.


Sleep soundly

A good sleep is essential for learning and development. If your child’s bedtime routine has fallen to the wayside during the holidays (which is totally normal), getting back to a regular bedtime routine and wake up time as school starts will help children adapt their sleep patterns. Limiting screen time after dinner will also help encourage a good sleep.


Back to school jitters

Whether your child is progressing into Kinder, moving into a new classroom or transitioning into secondary school, nerves are normal – and letting them know this is important. Involving them in school lunch prep the night before, laying out their uniform and reading a book before bed, will not only help to minimise the stress the next morning but prepare them for what is ahead.


Food for thought

During holidays, children tend to eat throughout the day whenever they are hungry. Ensuring children have a nutritious breakfast at the start of the day can help ensure that they get through to recess time without feeling hungry. 


School schedules

School mornings can be quite rushed, especially when children are out of their normal habits. Creating a visual schedule to remind kids to eat breakfast, get dressed, pack their homework, brush their teeth or make their bed is an effective way to remind them of your expectations while helping them develop time management skills and a regular morning routine. For older children, encouraging them to take responsibility for the time they wake up, setting an alarm and sticking to a consistent (and not too late!) bedtime can help with getting into the rhythm of school life again.



Routines help provide certainty and increase feelings of security, so it will help to re-establish routines upon return to school. After-school routines to review the day’s learning and complete homework tasks may also be helpful.


Time to chill!

Returning to school can be a big deal especially after such a long period of holidays. Provide opportunities for your child to play and relax at the end of the day. It’s totally normal for children to experience increased tiredness as they adjust back into the rhythm of school life.



If your child is finding it difficult to adjust back into school routine and they require a little extra support, please make contact with your child’s teacher (primary) or Year Level Coordinator (secondary).  They are there to help!









Emily Flanigan - Social Worker

Liz Smith - Student Counsellor