Around the School

Commencement Assembly

Last week we celebrated the commencement of what is to be a wonderful 2023!

As part of our Acknowledgement of Country, local indigenous musician Madi Colville-Walker gave us a moving performance - thank you to the very talented Madi!


Mr Scott Downward gave his first address as Principal outlining his commitment to building relationships with the School community. Our new Primary Leadership team and Beacon Leaders were inducted into their new leadership roles for the year. The Year 12 cohort and new Kindergarten students were welcomed - the Kindergarten students were presented with a gift from the Year 12 students, a tree for them to plant and watch grow, just as they do. In return the Kinders presented the Year 12’s with their HSC ties. It has become a very special part of our Commencement Assembly.


We were able to celebrate the dedication of Kim Lannen, a long-standing member of our Parents and Friends team who has contributed so much to the school.


We also celebrated past success in our 2022 HSC cohort and welcomed back some of our high achieving students and heard an inspiring speech from School Dux Harper Raverty.

Thank you to all parents and special guests who joined and supported our students this morning. We look forward to seeing what 2023 brings!

Preparing for the Deniliquin Show

Senior students have been busy getting ready for the upcoming Deniliquin Show. This week they shampooed the cattle and dried them in preparation for clipping.  Not only will the cattle be judged on their traits - the students will also be judged on their ability to assess and handle the cattle at the Deniliquin Show on Saturday 4th March.  Some senior students of Agriculture and Primary Industries will also assist with stewarding, which will involve record keeping and logistics in the livestock sections of the show.

Art Club

Art Club Clay will focus on CENTERING CLAY, which is a complex skill involving mastering the technique of placing a lump of clay in the centre of a Potter's Wheel, and keeping it there once the wheel begins to turn. Mostly it takes hours and hours of attempts forming growth toward success, afterwhich the new potter can learn how to form a vessel shape on a moving wheel.


Art Club Clay is on Monday afternoons at 3:05 - 4:30pm.

Art Club (all types of mediums) is on Thursdays at 12:45 - 1:25pm.

Students can just turn up to either of these regular art clubs. 

Science around the School

In Ms Delmenico's Year 2 science class, students are learning how living things grow and change. This week the students planted their own bean seeds in either sand, dirt or potting mix. Throughout the term, the students will care for and observe how the seeds will grow and change. We are investigating which type of soil is best for growing seeds. The students were extremely excited to start this experiment and are already making sure that it has enough water and sunlight to survive. 


Mrs Carmody's Year 9 forensic science class have been learning to make and 'lift' fingerprints this week.


The Year 10 physics class used ticker timers to analyse motion.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Years 3 and 4 students get the wonderful opportunity to participate in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. So that parents can plan ahead, we are providing all of the recipes for this term, as well as an information sheet about substitutions for those who with allergies or individual dietary requirements.


Please see the below PDFs for recipes and information regarding substitution ingredients.