Secondary School

Year 12 Camp

In Week 2 the HSC students had their first camp experience since they were in Year 8! On Monday the cohort travelled to Melbourne for four days of activities. Students were challenged by learning how to travel through the city on public transport including navigating trams, trains and buses and were given the opportunity to visit several tertiary institutions. Other highlights of the trip include a visit to Melbourne Zoo, dinner on Lygon Street, indoor rock climbing at Hard Rock in the city and a visit to the Night Market at Vic Market (as well as lots and lots of walking!) 


A big thank you to the Year 12 Tutors, Vanessa Bush, Jenna Hildebrand and Curtis Townrow for taking time away from work and family to build relationships with our HSC cohort as well as the teachers at school who took extras and helped with our absences. The students also had visits from Head of Secondary Greg Cadd and Principal Scott Downward who made the trek to connect with the group. 


A huge congratulations to the Year 12s for an excellent experience in the city! 

Delaney Laffy – selected for NSW CIS Secondary open Girls Cricket team

Year 12 student and School captain Delaney Laffy has been selected for the NSW CIS Secondary Open Girls Cricket with 12 other students from across the state. Delaney currently plays for Echuca Cricket Club and has a passion for cricket.


 In February Delaney tried out for the team in Sydney, where trials ran for two days and students were selected based on their batting, bowling, wicketkeeping and fielding skills. Out of 60 girls who tried out, 20 were shortlisted and 13 made it to the squad with two emergencies. Initially Delaney was on the emergency list and got the exciting call up this week that she was part of the team. 


Delaney and her team will play against other NSW combined high schools and catholic schools next week in in Barooga, Tuesday 28th Feb to Thursday 2nd March.We wish her the best of luck!


Beacon Leadership Day

Our 2023 MAG Beacon leadership team joined the Beacon Leadership Day workshop on 22 February. They had the chance to interact with leadership teams from other schools in the region and start to develop their leadership strategies. 

Italian in Year 7

In our first weeks of Year 7 Italian, we made “lo striscione della nostra classe” (Our Class Banner). These banners helped us introduce ourselves to each other and begin our journey in Italian. 

In Italian, we will begin learning Italian greetings and introductions. 


Some greetings you may already know include:

- ciao (hi/bye; informal)

- buongiorno (good morning)

- arrivederci (goodbye)


Professessa Polvere e Professessa Douglas