Primary School

The NSW Education Standards Authority NESA has developed a new English and Mathematics syllabus for K-2 students which is being implemented in all NSW Primary Schools this year. The syllabus has been developed using evidence-based research to develop essential knowledge and skills for all learners. Foundational skills set students up for a lifetime of learning. They unlock academic potential and improve education outcomes. Content is inclusive of every student in NSW, including Aboriginal students, EAL/D students, gifted and talented students, and students with disability.


To support the implementation of the new K-2 syllabus, teachers at Moama Anglican Grammar researched various programs, pedagogies and resources last year to support them in achieving the new set outcomes. Whilst there are many smaller shifts in their approach, the biggest change is the implementation of the InitiaLit program in all classes from Kindergarten to Year 2.


InitiaLit is a synthetic phonics program, developed by MultiLit (, a research-based initiative of Macquarie University. The program teaches children how to read and spell through daily lessons, using research-based teaching methods. It also uses a range of quality story books to develop children’s vocabulary and oral language. Synthetic phonics is a method of teaching where words are broken up into the smallest units of sound (phonemes). Children learn to make connections between the letters of written texts (graphemes, or letter symbols) and the sounds of spoken language.


This year across NSW, teachers of Years 3-6 have started to engage with the new NSW English and Mathematics syllabus. Outcomes and content for Stages 2 and 3 prioritise essential knowledge, understanding and skills, which build on the foundations developed in K-2. The syllabus provides clear learning expectations in a streamlined structure. 


Stage Assemblies

Over the past couple of years, the need for Stage Assemblies arose due to the limitations put on large indoor gatherings. Whilst we have returned to whole Primary School Assemblies this year, students and staff will continue to engage in Stage Assemblies as they provide additional opportunities for students to; build connections as a stage, celebrate individual student achievements, share work with peers, have fun and increase leadership capacity and opportunities.


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Whilst there are many exciting opportunities at Moama Anglican Grammar for students, we would like to put a spotlight on one of the favourite classes for our Year 3/4 students; Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden, taught by Mrs Annie Pinson. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program is specially designed to introduce pleasurable food education to students during their learning years to form positive food habits for life. 


With the assistance of Registered Parent Volunteers, students can be found in the kitchen over the stove or in front of the oven. If not in the kitchen, you will find them enjoying their delicious meals in the dining area or they can be found getting their hands dirty in the vegetable garden. In the pictures, Mrs Pinson can be seen teaching the students about good table etiquette. We are incredibly fortunate to be able to offer this great experience to our students. 



Clean Up Australia

Clean Up Australia is listening to the next generation and providing a day for schools to get involved in helping to solve the environmental challenges facing the world. Students in Year 3 and Year 4 (Stage 2) will be involved in the School Clean Up Day on Thursday 2 March. The students will be teaming up in House groups to clean up areas of the school grounds. 


“Over the past year we have seen Australian school children step up and tell us that they want a better world. Schools Clean Up Day is a great opportunity to work together and take practical action. All schools are encouraged to get involved and help to make a positive difference,” Pip Kiernan, Chair of Clean Up Australia said. Schools Clean Up Day not only offers teachers and students a hands-on educational and team bonding experience, but also gives schools the opportunity to stimulate discussion around our environment. “The future of our environment lies in the hands of our next generation, and it would be a wasted opportunity not to involve them in creating solutions. Schools Clean Up Day is a stepping stone for students to play an active role in their community by spurring change, education and encouragement for better practices within their local environments,” Pip continued.



Parent Classroom Representative

A great way to volunteer at our school is to be a Parent Classroom Representative (PCR) in the Primary School. The purpose of the PCR is to help foster good communication in the school and to assist in the development of an inclusive school community. It provides another means of uniting the school community and enhances the quality of relationships within the school between teachers, parents and the students.


PCRs will receive an induction, scheduled for Thursday 30 March and additional support is offered throughout the year. The aim is to have two Representatives for each year level to allow parents to work together. We would like to thank those who have already expressed an interest. If you are interested in being involved, please email the Primary Reception at


Primary Parent-Teacher Interviews

The Primary School Term 1 face-to-face Parent/Teacher Interviews will be conducted on:

Wednesday 8 March from 3:30 - 5:30pm

Thursday 9 March from 3:30 - 7:30pm


Parents have the opportunity to meet with their child’s classroom teacher on either day and with their child’s specialist teachers on Thursday only. Interviews with classroom teachers are set for 12 minutes in your child’s classroom and meetings with the specialist teachers are set for 5 minutes each in the Multi-Purpose Hall. If you or the class teachers believe a longer time session is required, then this needs to be booked directly with the class teacher and will be outside of the advertised Parent /Teacher times.


The online booking via the PC Spider Parent Portal will open on Monday 27 February and close on Friday 3 March at 12:00pm.


Upcoming Events

28/02/23              Be Rare. Be You! Fundraiser

01/03/23              Volunteer Induction at 8.50am

02/03/23              Clean Up Day for Stage 2

03/03/23              Assembly in the MPH at 2.15pm

03/03/23              Volunteer Induction at 3.05pm

08/03/23              RAS Swimming Carnival (selected students only)

08/03/23              Parent/Teacher Interviews

09/03/23              Parent/Teacher Interviews

13/03/23              Labour Day Public Holiday

14/03/23              Learn to Swim Program Year 2 and Year 4 (all week)

15/03/23              NAPLAN starts


Kind Regards,


Nici Deller                                                      Mel Scott

Head of Primary                                          Head of Teaching and Learning Primary