Health & Wellbeing News

SYMCARE - Symmetric Care
Symmetric care provides Support coordination and Specialist Disability accommodation to all NDIS participants who are eligible and funded for these services or if they require assistance to access this funding.
Symmetric care has an experienced team of Support coordinators with extensive experience, skills and knowledge to support participants navigate NDIS and connect them to mainstream supports and providers who will meet the needs of the participant by working together with their care team and informal supports.
They have multiple properties in Melbourne if a participant/student wishes to start a transition to living independently with adequate supports in place. All their homes are brand new and located in multiple locations including Wyndham and Melbourne North/West.
Living independently can be an overwhelming experience, however Symmetric Care's staffs' experience and industry knowledge can assist to make this transition as smooth as possible.
Symmetric Care offer short term accommodation and medium-term accommodation.
Contact Symmetric care who are happy to have these discussions with participants, families and care teams to see what options will be most suitable.