Parents and Friends Association (PFA)

Election BBQ and Cake Stall


Thank you to all the parents and staff that helped at the BBQ and Cake Stall on Eelction Day last Saturday.

The community did not let us down and turned up in huge numbers to purchase a democracy sausage. We sold 500 sausages and plenty of burgers!


The Cake Stall was a fantastic hit and we are so grateful to all the families that were able to donate delicious cakes and slices. 

A big thank you to Nicole Bailey and Craig Hill for helping to organise the event. 

Term 3 Trivia Night


The Fundraising Team have started organising a social event for parents next term in the form of a Trivia Night.  


This event has always been such a great fundraiser, but also a wonderful opporutunity for parents to get together and meet other families within the school community. 


As well as a great night of trivia, we will run a silent auction, raffle and have plenty of games thhroughout the night. 

This event will be held at the school and will involve tables  of about 10 people, so make sure you start organising your team. 


Watch this space!