A Spotlight on Learning
Highlights from the Learning Specialists
Welcome to Term 2! This term, we are starting a dedicated space for our four Learning Specialists to share the work they are doing around the school. At ACS, we are very lucky to have this team of instructional leaders, whose role is predominantly to build staff capacity through modelling, coaching and facilitating professional learning for all. Each of our Learning Specialists brings a unique set of skills and knowledge that they share with staff and students.
This week, we would like to introduce… Hayley Howard
Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Hello ACS community!
It is a great pleasure to have this space to share the exciting learning that is occurring across our school.
My journey at ACS has evolved over the past three years where I first started in the classroom teaching Year 5/6 and then at the beginning of last year transitioned into a Learning Specialist role. Last year my focus was on Year 3-6 intervention and this year my focus is on supporting teachers to build excellence in teaching and learning across our whole school, specifically in English. Most mornings you will find me out on one of the gates or out in the yard so don't be shy to come and say hi!
As many of you know, last week we celebrated Education Week and '150 years of Public Education'. Now although Armstrong Creek School has not been around for that long we still took the opportunity to celebrate all things education. On Monday, staff participated in a whole day of learning around the core values of Team Teach (positive behaviours) and CUST (Cultural Understanding and Safety Training).
On Wednesday night, families were invited to participate in our Family Maths Night. Some of the amazing activities on offer included creating the highest tower, ‘Greedy Pig’, guessing games and Scratch, just to name a few. Door prizes and guessing games were then drawn out at assembly last week.
We finished up the week on Friday, when grandparents and people that are special to us were invited into our classrooms for the last 20 minutes of the day before joining us for assembly. We are very grateful to the many grandparents and special guests who were able to make it during this time. We look forward to creating more opportunities similar to this in the near future.