Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,


Well somebody turned on winter this week didn't they! We've certainly needed to rug up and get the 'brolly' out on occasion, which is a good reminder that all items of school uniform should be clearly labelled (jackets and beanies in particular).

The Science of Learning @ ACS

Recently our Leading Teachers from all communities at Armstrong Creek School participated in the inaugural Science of Learning leadership accelerator event, where they collaborated with schools and leading experts in this field from across the country. 


There was such openness and collegiality from all. Over the course of the two day conference Leading Teachers participated in workshops and seminars, centred on the key aspects of science of reading, science of learning, explicit teaching and student engagement. There is a real excitement to now continue to strengthen the high impact teaching practices at Armstrong Creek School across all learning communities.


The Leading teacher team at ACS

Jaden O’Brien, Clarissa Jelley, Claire Govan, Luke Ryan and Katelyn Leddy

Education Week and Family Math's Night

Last week was Education Week and we had a number of events and activities happening to celebrate this.


Along with the Book Fair, we had a number of our Grand Parents and Special Friends visit on Friday to share in the fun of learning.


Thank you to all the families and staff who attended our inaugural Family Maths Night. The night was a wonderful success with lots of fun, laughter and Maths!  Hayley talks more about Family Maths Night in the Spotlight on Learning section of the newsletter.  Read on to learn more!

Book Fair

Thank you to our very generous school community for supporting the Book Fair and purchasing $3,714.00 worth of books and stationary!  We were able to select a further 112 books from the fair to add to our learning community libraries. 

Year 3-12 House Athletics Carnival

Last Thursday we held the years 3-12 House Athletics day. 


Students competed in 100m and 200m sprint, hurdles, shot put, discus, high jump, long jump and triple jump to gain points for their House. After a heavy downpour early in the morning, the rain cleared just in time for the first starters gun. This allowed us to complete a full program and the day was a great success! 


Some highlights from the day included Riley beating Felix, a year 9 Oberon student in a 110m sprint, the Teacher-Parents and House Captains races, some very high, high jump results and seeing students cheer on one another throughout the day. Rhiarn and Zoe are so proud of the way all students displayed good sportsmanship at each event. Congratulations to all our athletes who participated in each event.  The house winner was FEARNLEY!

Thank you to our staff and parent helpers who helped put on such a great day.  A big thank you also to the year 9 Oberon students who came and ran each of the events. These students were able to support us as part of completing the Duke of Edinburgh program. It was great to see ACS and Oberon students working together. 

Cross Country

We would like to congratulate Tyler in Year 6 and Stephen, Chloe and Oliver in Secondary who, after making it through our District qualifiers, competed in the Division Cross Country against other schools at the Geelong Botanical Gardens. We are so proud of our students representing Armstrong Creek. They showed Care, Commitment and Collaboration when competing  against other athletes and proved their determination throughout.  They should be so proud of themselves and this commendable achievement.


Well done everyone! We look forward to seeing you compete and represent our school in the future!


Next Thursday 9 June, Prep to Year 2 students will be attending the Bravehearts' personal safety education program Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show.  


Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure show has been educating Australian children since 2006, providing them with personal safety tools and strategies while supporting positive self-esteem and resilience building.  


PARENTS & GUARDIANS WELCOME! Please come along and watch the show on the day and see for yourself what a fantastic and worthwhile program it is. We require parents who wish to attend to fill out the google form 'Bravehearts - Parent Attendance' which can be accessed via Compass. 


If you do not wish your child to attend the show, please email the school at

Last Day of Term 2

The last date of term 2 is Friday 21 June 2022.  All students will have an early finish at 2:10pm following our final assembly for the term. 


Take care and enjoy!


Evan Savage
