

Resilient Award - For your ability to ‘bounce back’ after a challenging writing task. You asked for help and we were so impressed that you tried again and your end result was fantastic!
Junior K CharlieRespectful Award - for always conducting yourself in a respectful way. You have beautiful manners and aim to treat your peers and your teachers with respect. You work hard to keep our classroom neat and tidy and look after all property. You are a delight and we are lucky to have you in our class.

Junior S


Respectful Award - for the outstanding way you have contributed your ideas as well as the way you have respectfully listened to the members of your group during our Inquiry Unit project! 

Middle A  



Resilient Award -  for being a superstar this week in taking on feedback with positivity especially in your persuasive pieces! Well done Elli on a fantastic week of putting yourself out there and continuing to improve!

Middle L/T


Determined Award - for jumping into the challenge of Maths Olympiad! You showed that you are willing to take a risk and try something that you haven’t done before. You were determined to do your best to answer all of the questions and to achieve something beyond your normal maths learning. We are so proud of you Sansa!

Senior A


Responsible Award - for the way you have looked out for our Prep and Junior students in the playground by helping them to play games and get along. You are a wonderful Playground Buddy!

Senior L


Responsible Award - for continuing to be a fantastic role model for your buddies and the prep community. You have shown that you are caring, patient and kind with the preps and display amazing leadership qualities!


Middle A

Collaborative Award - for the way you worked diligently and independently and assisted and supported each other. Some asked questions or asked for guidance and others willingly helped them with answers and supported them. Well done on a wonderful, collaborative team effort.


Prep B

Curious Award - for their many creative questions about the Qing Ming (Tomb Sweeping) holiday. They were very curious about the paper burning activity that led to a deep discussion about heaven. Well done Preps for continuing to question things until you really understand it. Keep up the great work!

Visual Art

Junior S

Collaborative Award - Awarded to Junior S for the way in which you all helped clean-up the Visual Arts space on Tuesday afternoon.  You worked so beautifully on your Mother’s Day paintings and then came together as a team to quietly and respectfully leave our Arts space ‘spick n span’ and I really appreciated your extra efforts.  Thanks a million guys!

Performing Arts - Rising Star


Creative Award for your constant dedication to the greater cause of the group in everything that we do.  You are such a kind and respectful young lady and a joy to have in The Arts space. Thank you just for being ‘you’ Lili!!!

Performing Arts - Class Award


Creative Award - Senior L and A for your fantastic teamwork in our Body Formation tasks last week.  You were very clever in using your imagination and bodies to create three-dimensional shapes in the form of a couch, tennis racquet and elephant. It was so lovely to see and hear all the fun that filled the Performing Arts space last week. 



Creative Award - for being creative and strategic during this Monday’s SURVIVAL KICKBALL lesson. The game was relatively new, so many of you tried to be creative, innovative and imaginative. Well done and keep up the great work.







Proactive Award- for transitioning back to school after the holidays with determination and positivity. Ms Steph and I are so impressed with how hard you are trying in class. You ALWAYS listen and participate during our group sessions, asking questions and sharing your ideas. It has been wonderful to see how quick you are hearing the sounds in different words and how hard you are working on addition in Maths! We love that you have a go at all your tasks and ask questions to further support your learning! 

Junior K 

Aria K

Curious Award - for showing so much curiosity at Healesville Excursion. You listened really carefully during the Koala Keeper Talk, The Spirits of the Sky Show and the Wurundjeri Walk Workshop and asked loads of great questions.

Junior S


Determined Award - for how incredibly hard you have worked over the past couple of weeks to improve your handwriting. You have blown me away with how you have tried to perfect your ‘Tall Man’ letters during our handwriting sessions and I am so proud of what you have achieved. Well done Persie!

Middle A  



Proactive Award - Sienna, you always try your best when you are faced with challenges especially during this week! You are proactive with your skills and try every possible outcome before making a move! Well done Sienna!

Middle L/T


Determined Award - for working well in maths to have a go at a new activity and concept. You worked on it even though you were unsure how to do it at first.  It was great that you could write about the mental strategy you used to complete a “part part whole” table. 

Senior A


Self-aware Award - for writing a detailed and thoughtful description of how she collaborated with her peers, how it challenged her and how it is helping her to become a better learner. 

Senior L


Self-aware Award - for being an absolute superstar with your work in our SOLO Reading tasks. You have demonstrated an excellent ability to have discussions with your peers and share amazing ideas. You worked with determination and focus with your Polar Bear describe map! Keep it up, Layla!!



Curious Award - for asking amazingly interesting, inquisitive and thoughtful questions when we discussed and explored the concept of force, especially push and pull. You also made some great observations and tried to explain what you saw.


Grade 5s

Collaborative Award - for working so well together when playing 1-100 bingo after your NAPLAN. I was so impressed how you all knew your numbers, problem solved and helped each other to find the answer. Congratulations on being counting superstars! Well done!


The Year Fives

Creative Award - for showing great creativity, team work, enthusiasm when we spent some time after doing NAPLAN  on two basketball drills. You co operated well and supported each other and you tried different things out to improve your bouncing and shooting techniques.






Junior K 



Responsible Award - for consistently following classroom expectations and instructions. You excel at applying your knowledge to any task at hand and complete your work with excellent detail. Especially in Maths, I appreciate the way you help your classmates to understand a tricky problem and find a solution. Your enthusiasm for learning is inspiring!

Junior S


Respectful Award - for the polite way you treat both staff and peer alike! You have the most beautiful manners and are always seen following our classroom expectations. Each time you wish to contribute to our classroom discussion you always raise your hand and set a wonderful example for the rest of the class. You go above and beyond when tidying the classroom and are constantly looking out for ways to pitch in.

Middle A Neve



Responsible award - Neve, you have demonstrated some fantastic learning and gave some great responses to some very deep thinking questions! Your thinking towards some big issues in our world such as poverty and hunger in our Religion unit is very inspiring. Well done!

Middle L/T

Whole Class

Respectful Award -  for attending and participating in our Middles Mass on Tuesday with reverence and respect. You all listened, responded and sang beautifully, and behaved just as we all should when we are in a church. The students who read a prayer and brought up the gifts also did an excellent job. 

Senior A


Respectful Award - for the kind, caring, inclusive attitude you bring to school every day. You are always well mannered and caring towards everyone and are a wonderful support and role model for our younger students. 

Senior L


Resilient Award - for being a confident learner during NAPLAN. You were able to get out of the learning pit with determination and a smile and you should be so proud (and so am I!) Keep on smashing Grade 5 Mason! Well done!


Middle A

Creative Award - for showing wonderful creativity and a great use of your imagination in solving coding related problems.  You thought ‘outside the box’, challenged each other and came up with innovative solutions. Well done.


Middle A

Resilient Award - for trying your best and working hard when creating your calendars in Chinese this week. When you were unsure, you didn’t give up and use problem solving strategies to help find the answer. I am super impressed with your knowledge of numbers 1-100 and how you can now use them to describe dates and days! Well done Middle A! 


Middle L/T

Proactive Award - for the manner you all went about participating in and enjoying our basketball session run by The Collingwood All Stars. You showed patience, determination and listened carefully to the speaker’s instructions in what were very difficult circumstances (doing basketball drills in the  undercroft).

Visual Art

Junior K

Determined Award - for the incredible ‘Pin Art’ that you created this week in your Visual Arts class.  Pin Art requires lots of concentration, determination and a steady hand to complete… you guys never gave up and as a result your finished pieces look AMAAAAAZING!!!!!!

Performing Art: Rising Star award


Creative Award - for your continuing positive attitude and energetic contributions towards your Performing Arts lessons.  You always bring a shining light to our theatre space.  Thank you Elli, you are a treasure!

Performing Art Class Award

Middle A

Collaborative Award - for the wonderful way in which you worked together as a team to form and create different objects with your bodies without using any props.  The way you transformed into things such as Formula 1 race cars,  a swing and giraffe was very impressive.  Well done everyone :)







Proactive Award - for your independence and consistent effort in all your learning tasks. You listen to the instructions then complete the task to a very high standard. You take pride in always having a go and doing your best! In our writing lessons you get straight onto the task and Ms Steph and I are so impressed with the way you use your initiative to keep on practising your writing if you have finished your sentence quickly. Amazing effort Alice!

Junior K 



Curious Award - for showing creativity during our Inquiry learning this week. You have been thinking ‘outside the box’ about Connection to Country. Your creative approach to making our map of Australia was impressive.

Junior S


Determined Award - for all of your hard work and dedication during our literacy sessions together! I can see just how committed you are to your learning and I am so proud of the progress you have made so far this term!  Well done Eve!

Middle A 



Curious Award - for showing great interest this week in our inquiry and RE unit. The questions you ask are interesting and it is great to see you build your knowledge on worldly topics. Well done on a great week Jacob, keep it up!

Middle L/T


Self-aware Award - for trying really hard to think about what you can do to solve problems. You have been recognising when something is hard, thinking about what could help, and trying your best to achieve success or face a challenge. 

Senior A

Sienna & Lucia

Determined Award - Sienna - for the incredible growth you have shown in Maths this fortnight - 300% growth! Wow!

Determined Award - Lucia - for the incredible growth you have shown in Maths this fortnight. 

Senior L


Curious Award - for smashing SOLO Reading with our Compare and Contrast Map! Your note taking was astounding! You were a curious learner by investigating and researching different similarities and differences between Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Well done, Maria! Keep up the fantastic work! 


Junior K

Collaborative Award - for the manner in which you helped and assisted each other during STEM. You worked together like good team members and showed tolerance and patience towards others,, as well as a greater self-awareness of yourselves as learners.



Creative Award - for your wonderfully drawn characters for numbers 1-20 when completing water calligraphy. You tried really hard to carefully draw each line beautifully. I was impressed with how well you listened and were able to write the matching character.


Josh and Ned

Determined Award - for showing great leadership, determination, sportsmanship and teamwork during our short basketball matches. You worked hard and tried to include others in your team. You demonstrated this by passing the ball to them and encouraging and supporting them.



The Cross Country Squad

Showing great determination and commitment over the whole of the Cross Country period. You persisted, you showed plenty of grit and determination, resilience, (especially when things didn’t quite go your way) and encouraged team members when they needed support.