Religious Education and Social Justice

Love One Another As I Have Loved You


The universal call to be a Christian is grounded in our commitment to love one another. This love is much more than a feeling. It is a call to action. Jesus has shown us that we must be a servant to the world. Our service spreads from within our homes and then outwards toward all members of the community. We are to love one another as God has loved us. Our mission is to ‘be’ Jesus as much as we are able.


Last Sunday's Gospel is one of the most beautiful, yet challenging, in our liturgical calendar. After Judas had left the Last Supper Jesus commanded the apostles, and ultimately us too, to love one another just as he has loved us. A very powerful message. Try to spend some time this week reflecting on the Gospel passage below:  what does it mean for you, and what it might mean for the children.


A reading from the holy Gospel according to John

I give you a new commandment: love one another.


When Judas had gone Jesus said:

‘Now has the Son of Man been glorified,

and in him God has been glorified.

If God has been glorified in him,

God will in turn glorify him in himself,

and will glorify him very soon.

My little children,

I shall not be with you much longer.

I give you a new commandment:

love one another;

just as I have loved you,

you also must love one another.

By this love you have for one another,

everyone will know that you are my disciples.’


We continue to pay for the people of Ukraine and may God bless us all and keep us safe.



Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader