SEAL Program

Lilydale High School has offered a Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program since 1994.  Lilydale is a foundation member of the Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools. 


Entry to the program is through a selection process involving:

  • General ability test
  • Writing tasks
  • Reading comprehension tests
  • Mathematics tests
  • Information from parents
  • Information from the primary school teacher
  • Results of Year 5 NAPLAN testing
  • Latest school report
  • Interview

Testing Day

  • Thursday 29 April
  • 9.15 am until approximately 12.30 pm
  • Lilydale High School

To guarantee your child’s place in the test, all application forms, payment and supporting material must be received at the School Office by Monday 26 April.


The cost for the test is $30.


For details of the application forms, please see the ‘Application Forms & Supporting Material' page on the school website homepage, under ENROLMENT.  


To Register for the Testing Day, please visit the school website homepage.


For further information about the Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program, please call the school on 9735 5644.