2021 Open Night

Parents/Carers and students are cordially invited to our OPEN NIGHT.


There will be presentations from the Principal, Heads of Junior School and information presented about the school.


Tours of the school, presentations and displays of all the Key Learning Areas will also be held.

Student Absences

It is DET (Department of Education & Training) policy that all student absences be accounted for.  


If your child is absent, there are several ways to assist us to fulfil our legal obligations and approve any outstanding absences by:   

  • Logging in to Compass to approve an absence
  • Calling the School Absence Line
  • Providing a note to the Sub School Assistant or Home Group Teacher

If it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days, please communicate this with the relevant Sub School Office.


You can also use Compass to view your student’s past absences. 


If you have forgotten your Compass username and password, please contact the Sub School Assistants.

Devices - Chromebooks

It is important that your child charges their device overnight as they will not be able to charge it at school.  Our IT Department assisted students throughout the first week of school, to ensure they had their login details.

Action Plans and Medical Management Plans

First Aid is requesting Action Plans and Medical Management Plans be supplied with the relevant medication to First Aid as soon as possible.


These plans MUST be completed by a Doctor, and MUST be signed, dated and stamped by the Doctor, or the plan will not be accepted and returned to the student to get this done.


If the student does not have the relevant up to date medical plans, they are not allowed to attend offsite activities until this is received. 


Should a previously diagnosed health condition be no longer relevant, we need this in writing from the students GP.


Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Student Services

Maroondah Highway LX: Vehicle movements on William Street East

Parents/Carers, from a safety perspective, we recommend using the Stadium Carpark as an alternative location to pick up and drop off children whilst works are underway.


Additionally, at times there may be traffic management in place restricting vehicles from turning into William Street East entirely, which may also cause delays.


We understand that this may cause a level of inconvenience, and we really appreciate everyone’s patience.

Attached below is a works alert for the Maroondah Highway level crossing removal project that provides an overview of upcoming works and associated impacts that you may notice from week starting, 29 March 2021. 



Maroondah Highway Level Crossing

 Removal Project