Thursday 1 April

Last Day Term 1


Monday 10 May

Mini-Careers Expo


Wednesday 12 May

VCE Arts Camp (12 to 14)


Wednesday 9 June



Monday 14 June

Queen's Birthday Public Holiday


Sunday 20 June

Year 11 Presentation Ball


Friday 25 June

End of Term 2

Year 12 Breakfast and Fun Games

Once again the Year 12s have been enjoying their Friday morning gatherings. It is great to see them putting the pressures of the year aside and are making time for some fun. 


The Senior School Office staff certainly jumped, when this tower came toppling down!

Gratitude Board

It’s great to read some of the positive messages our students are putting on the Gratitude Board. 


If students haven’t already added to it, they can drop by the Senior School Office to grab the markers and put their positive messages up on the board. 


It is fantastic for our wellbeing to recognise and acknowledge the things that make us happy in our lives.

Market Day 

Market Day was an amazing event held on Friday, March 19.   It was great to see once again the commitment and enthusiasm shown by our VCE and Year 10 Business Management students for this day. 


Well done to all students and staff involved on a FUN DAY, which raised lots of money for some great charities. 

Presentation Ball 2020

Sunday March 21 - Crown Palladium


What a fabulous night! After all the COVID-19 shut downs, last minute changes, and just a whole year later, we finally got our chance to do the 2020 Presentation Ball.


The students were fabulous, with their best dancing ever. Even with a little boo boo, they all held it together with great effort and style. 


With 620 guests and a full venue, they enjoyed every minute.  There was great food, lots of dancing, photos and happy memories created. 


Well done to all the presentees, family and friends, we hope you enjoyed the night as much as we did. 


Congratulations and just one big YAY!  So glad we finally got to do it!

Danielle Devine

Year 11 Presentation 2021

Sunday 20 June

Crown Palladium

5 pm to 9 pm


FULL payment of $345 per student is to be paid on Compass by Friday 16 April, 2021


The Presentation Ball is run by Danielle Devine. For all enquiries please call Danielle during school hours.

Year 11 Captains Report

So we’ve survived the first term of 2021! It’s so great to be back at school seeing our friends and being in our classes. 


Although remote learning meant more sleep-ins, nothing can beat actually learning in a classroom, especially compared to doing class through the screen of a google meet, and I’m sure the teachers are glad to see the faces of their students instead of little black squares! 


The first term of 2021 has brought many changes to our cohort. Most of us have started VCE, which means fewer classes - but more work! This is also the first time that most of the Year 11s have done SACs, and they seem to be going well. 


Although this year brings along more responsibility and a different style of learning than most of us are used to, being in a VCE class is a wonderful experience, as you get to chose the subjects that interest you and will guide you along your future career paths. 


As for events, Market Day was a huge success, with all different types of food and drink for sale. It felt as though the whole school was there! A big congratulations to all Year 11 and Year 10 Business Management students who worked to be a part of that. 


The 'Swimming Carnival' was a great time, with amazing costumes from the Year 12s and amazing participation from across the school. 

Congratulations to all Year 11s that completed SACs this term! Keep up the good work.


Term 1 was a success. Hopefully, the rest of the year will be just as great!

Alesia Jensen - Year 11 Captain


VCE Coordinators