Year 7 Captains (Cody, Thomas, Cohen, Luci) with Ms Powson


Thursday 1 April

End of Term 1 - 2.30 pm FINISH


Monday 19 April

Start of Term 2


Tuesday 20 April

OPEN Night - 6.30 pm 


Tuesday 11 May

NAPLAN (11 to 13)


Monday 31 May

Year 8 Camp 1 (31 to 2 June)


Wednesday 2 June

Year 8 Camp 2 (2 to 4)


Monday 14 June

Queen's Birthday Public Holiday


Friday 25 June

End of Term 2

Year 7 Captains 2021

Lilydale High School is thrilled to announce our Year 7 Captains for 2021.   Congratulations to these students;



Thomas Papas (7C)

Cody Venville (7H)


Vice Captains

Luci Johnston Atkinson (7K)

Cohen Nolan (7I) 


The Principals, Coordinators, and other Year Level Captains look forward to working with them throughout the year.

Year 7 Camp 

Last week, Year 7 students and staff had a FANTASTIC time at Phillip Island!


The Year 7 camp is an essential component of student orientation into Year 7 at Lilydale High School.


Students engaged in a variety of fun activities focusing on confidence building, leadership, friendships and teamwork.


Student Reflections

My favourite part of the camp was the trivia night, because there was so much positive energy, and you could tell everyone was very happy. As soon as ‘Let it Go’ played, people stood up and started singing the lyrics to the song. 

Zoe Bell 7E


The most challenging time on camp was trying to get the ball in the hole at mini golf. It was challenging to try and stay within the par, because of the multiple objects in the way.  


I learnt that by talking more to people you soon realise that you can become closer.


Cottia Sikhali 7E



Camp 1 Photos

Market Day

Junior School students had a great time at Market Day!

Artist of the Month

Artist of the Month for March, has been awarded to Oceanna Buyuknisan 7B, for her cartoon inspired artwork. Congratulations Oceanna!


Our VCE Visual Arts Captains (Aly Hogeboom and Monique Waterhouse), invited all Year 7 students to take part in Artist of the Month. 


The theme for the month was cartoon style and pop-art.

Sarah Hardy

Head of Arts

Year 7 Poetry

FORESTS by Jade King 7I


The deserted forest blooms at night,

never during the day.

It hides away not showing its face,

day after day.

In sunlight it exists still and alone.

But in the night when no one’s home,

it stands tall on its throne.

See people are just like forests, some hide away in fear.

They look and act the same as others, so it’s like they disappear.

But at home and at night, when no one’s around,

They can be themselves and feel safe and sound.

Junior School Coordinators