English and Maths Masterclasses 

On Wednesday 24 March, the students enrolled in the Term 1 Victorian High-Ability Program, went to Yarra Ranges Tech School to take part in Masterclasses with students from other schools who are also enrolled in the Term 1 Program.


The English students enjoyed using Stop Motion, green screen technology and Adobe Fresco to bring the theme of ‘Dystopian Worlds’ to life. They storyboarded their idea and then used the technology to bring their ideas off the page and into a technology based format. They then had to present their creation to the other students.


The Maths students looked at real life data from weather stations across Victoria and used Python to analyse the best place to establish solar and wind farms. The students then had to provide their client with a business case justifying why the renewable energy farm should be established in that area.


Congratulations to all of our students who participated. They thoroughly enjoyed the day and were able to see how the study of Maths and English can transpire into future careers.


Brooke Kogelman