Tutoring Program

The Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI)  introduced by the State Government is in full swing at Lilydale High School. We currently have over 200 students being tutored in either English or Maths. The students are either receiving extra assistance in class or in small groups. The tutors are teachers and preservice teachers and are quickly gaining a sense of what each student requires. 


Catherine Edwards is in charge of the English tutoring and Caitlin Saliba is leading the Mathematics tutoring program. 

Student Progress Reports

A reminder that the progress reports for every student can be found on Compass. I encourage both parents and students to log in.

Market Day

On Friday March 19, the annual Year 11 Business Management Market Day took place. It is a much anticipated event that involves students creating businesses that offer a range of foods for sale. 


The students develop a business case, source the produce, sell it and then donate profit to a local charity. 


Thanks to leader, David Blaxland and the team of teachers involved and a huge well done and congratulations to our entrepreneurial students who did a great job. 

Presentation Ball

Finally our 2020 Presentation Ball took place on Sunday 21 March, at Crown! It was a beautiful evening with friends and family watching our Year 12 students performing a number of dances that have been learnt over the course of the year with many interruptions. 


Thanks to Dani Devine who had the difficult task of organising the event that changed many times, her persistence was greatly appreciated by the students. 


Congratulations also to the students who also had to demonstrate their ability to adapt. 


Our Year 11 students take to the dance floor in June, for the 2021 Presentation Ball.

End of Term 1

Whilst we still live in relatively uncertain times, my thanks to everyone for a very productive Term 2.  


Please have a restful break, we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday April 19.

Wendy Powson
