- Home Learning – Home Learning will be distributed on Friday and will be due the following Friday. It is expected that it will be fully completed and to learner’s personal best.
- Home Reading – It is important that the students read for at least fifteen minutes each evening to consolidate the concepts and strategies they have learnt in class. Please sign their diaries after they have read and encourage them to read a wide variety of material at home.
- Communication Diary - The students in Level Two have been provided with a school diary. This diary can be used to track home reading and aid communication between the teacher and parents. It would be fabulous if parents could communicate via the diary, which is checked by the teacher daily.
- Before School – Students arriving prior to the 8:50am bell should be supervised outside. If you are unable to supervise your child, other arrangements, such as Before School Care, should be arranged. Students can enter the classroom between 8:50-9:00am to organise and prepare for the day and complete morning routine. If your child arrives after 9:00am, please take them to the office to sign in, and bring a yellow ‘late slip’ to the classroom teacher.